
An implementation of the Ruby Pathname standard library for Rubinius. Currently this Gem is mostly (if not entirely) just a copy of MRI's Pathname implementation.

Please note that only Rubinius is officially supported. While other Ruby implementations are free to use rubysl-pathname according to its license we do not provide any support for this.


The 2.0 branch of rubysl-pathname targets Ruby 2.x, other Ruby versions are currently not supported.


  • Rubinius 2.10 or newer


By default rubysl-pathname is already installed when you install Rubinius. Currently updating rubysl-pathname requires re-installing Rubinius, in the future you can simply update rubysl-pathname by running gem update rubysl-pathname.


In general the contributing guidelines are the same as Rubinius (

To get started, clone the directory and install all Gems:

bundle install

You'll want to do this for both your local MRI and Rubinius installations.

Running the specs under MRI works as following:

mspec spec/path/to/file_spec.rb

Running the specs under Rubinius requires an extra environment variable so Rubinius loads the local rubysl-pathname copy instead of the installed one:

RUBYLIB=.:lib mspec spec/path/to/file_spec.rb

All specs must pass on both MRI and Rubinius.


All source code in this repository is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 unless stated otherwise. A copy of this license can be found the file "LICENSE" or at

The following files use a different license:

  • lib/rubysl/pathname/pathname.rb: MRI license, found in the file "MRI_LICENSE"