
This tool allows you to do "git bisect" MRI revisions easily. Instead of compiling each revision locally, it uses "rubylang/rubyfarm" repository in DockerHub, which contains all MRI revisions since r57410 that were successfully built.

By using rubyfarm-bisect, you don't have to worry about:

  • Compilation failure ("exit 125"). rubyfarm-bisect handles it.
  • The range of bisect. rubyfarm-bisect has a good default.
  • The order of good and bad commits. rubyfarm-bisect automatically detects the order.

How to setup

You need to install rubyfarm-bisect.

$ gem install rubyfarm-biesct

You also need to be able to use "docker" command without "sudo".

$ docker run --rm -t rubylang/rubyfarm:r60001 ruby -v
Unable to find image 'rubylang/rubyfarm:r60001' locally
r60001: Pulling from rubylang/rubyfarm


Status: Downloaded newer image for rubylang/rubyfarm:r60001
ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-09-23 trunk 60001) [x86_64-linux]

How to use

The simplest way:

$ rubyfarm-bisect ruby -e '<your test code>'

which assumes that <your test code> runs successfully at r57410, and fails at "trunk".

-g/-b: specify a good/bad commit range

You can specify good and bad commits for git bisect:

$ rubyfarm-bisect -g 7c1b30a6 -b trunk ruby -e '<your test code>'

-g is a good commit, and -b is a bad commit. The arguments must be a SVN revision (e.g., "r60000"), or a commit hash of (e.g., 7c1b30a6).

You don't have to worry about which is good and bad:

  • rubyfarm-bisect first checks if the good commit is an ancestor of the bad one. If not, it swaps the good and bad ones.
  • rubyfarm-bisect then checks if the test passes at the good (older) commit. If it does not pass the test, it works as a "reversed" mode; it tries to find the first "good" commit.

-u: specify a git url

This tool clones the git repository of ruby into temporary directory, which takes some minutes. To make it fast, you can use your local repository:

$ git clone /path/to/local/git/repo
$ rubyfarm-bisect -u /path/to/local/git/repo ruby -e '<your test code>'

-t: use test.rb

If you want to pass a test script instead of a command-line argument, use:

$ vim test.rb # create and save your test.rb
$ rubyfarm-bisect -t

which mounts test.rb in the current directory to /root/test.rb in the docker container.

-m: specify a path to be mounted to /root

If you want to pass not only a test script but also some data files, you can specify a directory to be mounted to /root:

$ rubyfarm-bisect -m /path/to/dir ruby /root/test.rb

Your /path/to/dir must contains test.rb. Note that the directory is mounted in read-only mode.


Consider that you encounter a bug of trunk:

$ ruby -rripper -e 'Ripper.slice("foo", "ident")'
Traceback (most recent call last):
    8: from -e:1:in `<main>'
    7: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:156:in `slice'
    6: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:163:in `token_match'
    5: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:163:in `new'
    4: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:181:in `initialize'
    3: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:202:in `compile'
    2: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:202:in `scan'
    1: from /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:205:in `block in compile'
/opt/ruby/lib/ruby/2.5.0/ripper/lexer.rb:205:in `concat': can't modify frozen String (RuntimeError)

You can find the regression by using rubyfarm-bisect:

$ rubyfarm-bisect ruby -rripper -e 'Ripper.slice("foo", "ident")'


e3300dce829955390b5099c013ab4452a74ffd20 is the first bad commit
commit e3300dce829955390b5099c013ab4452a74ffd20
Author: kazu <kazu@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>
Date:   Sun Feb 5 07:54:32 2017 +0000

    {ext,test}/ripper: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.

    git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e

:040000 040000 7092727b90c406b5672852457099250bc0a8f62e 5ad04f3dce97452d18b6c72850ac69f6b34014bc M  ext
:040000 040000 83300d1a837029ed91f9675b2de984dcce2fe735 e679db1ae68baac0825f0fde89e3dd743781dd26 M  test
bisect run success
$ rubyfarm-bisect -g r57410 -b r60000 -u /path/to/ruby.git/ ruby -rripper -e 'Ripper.slice("foo", "ident")'
$ cat test.rb
require "ripper"
Ripper.slice("foo", "ident")

$ rubyfarm-bisect -t