Ruby extension for dealing with CoreFoundation types. Mostly designed for marshaling structures through binary plists.

See tests for usage.

To get this to work outside of the OS X, you need to compile lib/CoreFoundation and link against it when building the gem. This isn’t build into extconf.rb yet, but it will need to be in the future.

About CFData: Since Ruby doesn’t treat strings any differently from raw data and CoreFoundation does, there needed to be a way to specify if a string is a string or if it’s just data. For this purpose, I’ve created the class RubyCF::Data, which is just a container for a ruby string. When a RubyCF::Data object is passed into the plist encoder, it will encode the data as CFData. Likewise, when a CFData object is encountered while decoding a plist, a RubyCF::Data object will be created.


  • rubyland convenience methods


Building CFLite: