
RubyBreaker is a dynamic type documentation tool written in pure Ruby. It provides the framework for dynamically instrumenting a Ruby program to monitor objects during executions and document the observed type information. In other words, RubyBreaker "breaks" Ruby code out of its obscurity and wildness (as in "code breaking" or "horse breaking") by auto-documenting type information. The type documentation generated by RubyBreaker is also an executable Ruby code that can be used as an input to subsequent analyses.

The primary goal of RubyBreaker is to assign a type signature to every method in selected modules and classes. A type signature is written in the RubyBreaker Type Annotation Language which resembles the documentation style used in Ruby API Doc. Manual code change is not required if used in Rakefile and is kept minimal if otherwise. Overall, this tool should help Ruby programmers document their code more rigorously and effectively.

Current limitations are:

  • Auto-documentation of block arguments (inherent)
  • Parametric polymorphic types
  • RDoc or YARD documentation support

To contribute to the project, visit RubyBreaker's GitHub page and RubyGems page. RubyBreaker RDoc can be found in here.


Ruby 1.9.x and TreeTop 1.x

If the most recent Ruby 1.9 is installed on the computer, it will probably work. If TreeTop is not installed, use RubyGems or download from the following URL: TreeTop


It is as simple as running the following command:

$ gem install rubybreaker


This tutorial will describe the basic usage of the tool, the RubyBreaker Type Annotation Language, and the RubyBreaker Type System.


RubyBreaker takes advantage of test cases that already come with the source program. It is recommended that RubyBreaker is run as a Rake task, which requires a minimum code change in the Rakefile and no code change in the source program. If not used as a Rake task, it requires a minimum code change in each test case or the source program but should not affect the development process much. Let's briefly see how RubyBreaker can be run directly as a command-line program to understand the general concept of the tool. We will explain how to use RubyBreaker in a Rakefile later.

$ rubybreaker -v prog.rb

This runs RubyBreaker in verbose mode on prog.rb. Note that RubyBreaker will actually run prog.rb (by simply requireing the program file). Somewhere in the program, there has to be a program entry point to indicate where the monitoring of objects starts. Let's assume prog.rb as the following:

require "rubybreaker"  # required if using "ruby" instead
class A
  def foo(x)
class B
  def bar(y,z)
end, B)

This example will show how A#foo method is given a type by RubyBreaker. After running rubybreaker -v prog.rb, the following output will be generated and saved into prog.rubybreaker.rb.

# This file is auto-generated by RubyBreaker
require "rubybreaker"
class A
  typesig("foo(fixnum[to_s]) -> string")

Here, the typesig method call registers foo as a method type that takes an object that has Fixnum#to_s method and returns a String. This method is made available by importing rubybreaker. Now, assume that an additional code,,1), is added at the end of prog.rb. The subsequent run will generate the following result:

# This file is auto-generated by RubyBreaker
require "rubybreaker"
class A
  typesig("foo(fixnum[to_s]) -> string")
class B
  typesig("bar(a[foo], fixnum[to_s]) -> string")

Keep in mind that RubyBreaker is designed to gather type information based on the actual execution of the source program. This means the program should be equipped with test cases that have a reasonable program path coverage. Additionally, RubyBreaker assumes that test runs are correct and the program behaves correctly (for those test runs) as intended by the programmer. This assumption is not a strong requirement, but is necessary to obtain precise and accurate type information.

Using Ruby Unit Testing Framework

Instead of manually inserting the entry point indicator into the program, you can take advantage of Ruby's built-in testing framework. This is preferred to modifying the source program directly, especially for the long term program maintainability. But no worries! This method is as simple as the previous one.

require "test/unit"
require "rubybreaker" # This should come after test/unit.
class TestClassA < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def setup()
     RubyBreaker.breakable(Class1, Class2, ...)
  # ...tests!...

That's it! The only requirements are to indicate to RubyBreaker which modules and classes to "break" and to place require rubybreaker after require test/unit.

Using RSpec

The requirement is same for RSpec but use before instead of setup to specify which modules and classes to "break".

require "rspec"
require "rubybreaker"

describe "TestClassA Test"
  before { RubyBreaker.breakable(Class1, Class2, ...) }
  # ...tests!...

Using Rakefile

By running RubyBreaker along with the Rakefile, you can avoid modifying the source program at all. (You no longer need to import rubybreaker in the test cases neither.) Therefore, this is the recommended way to use RubyBreaker. The following code snippet describes how it can be done:

require "rubybreaker/task"
desc "Run RubyBreaker""rubybreaker") do |t|
  t.libs << "lib" 
  t.test_files = ["test/foo/tc_foo1.rb"]
  # ...Other test task options..
  t.rubybreaker_opts << "-v"               # run in verbose mode
  t.breakable = ["Class1", "Class2", ...]  # specify what to monitor

Note that RubyBrakerTestTask can simply replace your TestTask block in Rakefile. In fact, the former is a subclass of the latter and includes all features supported by the latter. The only additional options are rubybreaker_opts which is RubyBreaker's command-line options and breakable which specifies which modules and classes to monitor. Since Class1 and Class2 are not recognized by this Rakefile, you must use string literals to specify modules and classes (and with full namespace).

If this is the route you are taking, there needs no editing of the source program whatsoever. This task will take care of instrumenting the specified modules and classes at proper moments.

Type Annotation

The annotation language used in RubyBreaker resembles the method documentation used by Ruby Standard Library Doc. Each type signature defines a method type using the name, argument types, block type, and return type. But, let us consider a simple case where there is one argument type and a return type.

class A
  typesig("foo(fixnum) -> string")

In RubyBreaker, a type signature is recognized by the meta-class level method typesig which takes a string as an argument. This string is the actual type signature written in the Ruby Type Annotation Language. This language is designed to reflect the common documentation practice used by RubyDoc. It starts with the name of the method. In the above example, foo is currently being given a type. The rest of the signature takes a typical method type symbol, (x) -> y where x is the argument type and y is the return type. In the example shown above, the method takes a Fixnum object and returns a String object. Note that these types are in lowercase, indicating they are objects and not modules or classes themselves.

There are several types that represent an object: nominal, duck, fusion, nil, 'any', 'or', optional, variable-length, and block. Each type signature itself represents a method type or a method list type (explained below).

Nominal Type

This is the simplest and most intuitive way to represent an object. For instance, fixnum is an object of type Fixnum. Use lower-case letters and underscores instead of camelized name. MyClass, for example would be my_class in RubyBreaker type signatures. There is no particular reason for this convention other than it is the common practice used in RubyDoc. Use / to indicate the namespace delimiter ::. For example, NamspaceA::ClassB would be represented by namespace_a/class_b in a RubyBreaker type signature.

Self Type

This type is similar to the nominal type but is referring to the current object--that is, the receiver of the method being typed. RubyBreaker will auto-document the return type as a self type if the return value is the same as the receiver of that call. It is also recommended to use this type over a nominal type (if the return value is self) since it depicts more precise return type.

Duck Type

This type is inspired by the Ruby Language's duck typing, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck." Using this type, an object can be represented simply by a list of method names. For example [walks, quacks] is an object that has walks and quacks methods. Note that these method names do not reveal any type information for themselves.

Fusion Type

Duck type is very flexible but can be too lenient when trying to restrict the type of an object. RubyBreaker provides a type called the fusion type which lists method names but with respect to a nominal type. For example, fixnum[to_f, to_s] represents an object that has methods to_f and to_s whose types are same as those of Fixnum. This is more restrictive (precise) than [to_f, to_s] because the two methods must have the same types as to_f and to_s methods, respectively, in Fixnum.

Nil Type

A nil type represents a value of nil and is denoted by nil.

Any Type

RubyBreaker also provides a way to represent an object that is compatible with any type. This type is denoted by ?. Use caution with this type because it should be only used for an object that requires an arbitrary yet most specific type--that is, ? is a subtype of any other type, but any other type is not a subtype of ?. This becomes a bit complicated for method or block argument types because of their contra-variance characteristic. Please refer to the section Subtyping.

Or Type

Any above types can be "or"ed together, using ||, to represent an object that can be either one or the other. It does not represent an object that has to be both (which is not supported by RubyBreaker).

Optional Argument Type and Variable-Length Argument Type

Another useful features of Ruby are the optional argument type and the variable-length argument type. The former represents an argument that has a default value (and therefore does not have to be provided). The latter represents zero or more arguments of the same type. These are denoted by suffices, ? and *, respectively.

Block Type

One of the Ruby's prominent features is the block argument. It allows the caller to pass in a piece of code to be executed inside the callee. This code block can be executed by the Ruby construct, yield, or by directly calling the call method of the block object. In RubyBreaker, this type can be respresented by curly brackets. For instance, {|fixnum,string| -> string} represents a block that takes two arguments--one Fixnum and one String--and returns a String.

RubyBreaker does supports nested blocks as Ruby 1.9 finally allows them. However, keep in mind that RubyBreaker cannot automatically document the block types due to yield being a language construct rather than a method, which means it cannot be captured by meta-programming!

Method Type and Method List Types

Method type is similar to the block type, but it represents an actual method and not a block object. It is the "root" type that the type annotation language supports, along with method list types. Method list type is a collection of method types to represent more than one type information for the given method. Why would this type be needed? Consider the following Ruby code:

def foo(x)
  case x
  when Fixnum
  when String

There is no way to document the type of foo without using a method list type. Let's try to give a method type to foo without a method list. The closest we can come up with would be foo(fixnum or string) -> fixnum and string. But RubyBreaker does not have the "and" type in the type annotation language because it gives me an headache! (By the way, it needs to be an "and" type because the caller must handle both Fixnum and String return values.)

It is a dilemma because Ruby programmers actually enjoy using this kind of dynamic type checks in their code. To alleviate this headache, RubyBreaker supports the method list type to represent different scenarios depending on the argument types. Thus, the foo method shown above can be given the following method list type:

typesig("foo(fixnum) -> fixnum")
typesig("foo(string) -> string")

These two type signatures simply tell RubyBreaker that foo has two method types--one for a Fixnum argument and another for a String argument. Depending on the argument type, the return type is determined. In this example, a Fixnum is returned when the argument is also a Fixnum and a String is returned when the argument is also a String. When automatically documenting such a type, RubyBreaker looks for the (subtyping) compatibility between the return types and "promote" the method type to a method list type by spliting the type signature into two (or more in subsequent "promotions").

Type System

RubyBreaker comes with its own type system to auto-document the type information. Each method in a "breakable" module is dynamically instrumented to be monitored during runtime. This monitoring code observes the types of the arguments, block, and return value of each method. Once this information is gathered, RubyBreaker will compare it to the information gathered so far. If these two types are "compatiable", RubyBreaker will choose more general type of the two. Otherwise, RubyBreaker will use the method list type to accommodate two "incompatible" types.

Subtyping and Subclassing

RubyBreaker uses subtyping to choose one from the two "compatible" types. Two types are "compatible" if one is subtype of another. This means that the subtype can be represented using the supertype instead. This is why RubyBrekaer chooses the latter to document both types. RubyBreaker relies on subclassing of Ruby to determine a subtyping relationship between two types. For example, Fixnum is considered to be subtype of Numeric since the former is subclass of the latter. (Strictly speaking, Fixnum is not really subtype of Numeric because some methods are overriden in Fixnum with method types that are not subtype of the counterparts in Numeric. But, RubyBreaker is lenient and considers them compatible--that is, Numeric can represent any Fixnum.

Pluggable Type System (Advanced)

Yes, RubyBreaker was designed with the replaceable type system in mind. In other words, anyone can write his own type system and plug it into RubyBreaker. Technical documentation coming soon...


The term, "Fusion Type," is first coined by Professor Michael W. Hicks at University of Maryland and represents an object using a structural type with respect to a nominal type.


Copyright (c) 2012 Jong-hoon (David) An. All Rights Reserved.