
A set of ruby scripts to generate word-lists, solve Wordle, and play Wordle on the command line

⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ \ ⬜️⬜️⬜️🟨🟨 \ ⬜️🟩⬜️🟩⬜️ \ 🟩🟩⬜️🟩🟩 \ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


> gem install ruby-wordle

Play Wordle

Usage Example

> ruby-worldle play

You can ask for help by typing "?↵" while playing. In the suggestion list, basic words consisting of 5 different letters are printed in red 🟥 while basic words having the same letters used more than once are printed in blue 🟦

Wordle Solver

Usage Example

> ruby-worldle solver

In the result list, basic words consisting of 5 different letters are printed in red 🟥 while basic words having the same letters used more than once are printed in blue 🟦

Word Lists

Word List Generator Script

🟢 lib/ruby-wordle/script-filter.rb

A ruby script to generate n-letter word lists (word-list.txt and word-list-uniq.txt)

The default n value is 5. Change NUM_LETTERS if necessary, and run the script as follows. A directory will be created automatically with the title having the number specified in the script (e.g. word-lists/5-letters, word-lists/6-letters) and resulting word lists will be stored in that directory.

Lists of English Words of 5 Letters (useful to solve Wordle)

🟡 word-lists/5-letters/word-list.txt

A list of five-letter words, generated from the original word list.

🟡 word-lists/5-letters/word-list-uniq-letters.txt

A list of five-letter words consisting of five different letters, generated from the original word list.

🟡 word-lists/5-letters/word-list-basic.txt

A list of five-letter words, generated from the basic word list.

🟡 word-lists/5-letters/word-list-basic-uniq-letters.txt

A list of five-letter words consisting of five different letters, generated from the basic word list.

Original/Basic Lists of English Words

⚪️ word-lists/word-list-original.txt

A large word list based on words_alpha.txt in dwyl/english-words, containing more than 370,000 items.

⚪️ word-lists/word-list-basic.txt

A smaller word list containing about 13,000 basic English words.


Yoichiro HASEBE
