#summary ruby-msg - A library for reading Outlook msg files, and for converting them to RFC2822 emails.

Introduction =

Generally, the goal of the project is the conversion of .msg files into proper rfc2822 emails, independent of outlook, or any platform dependencies etc. In fact its currently pure ruby, so it should be easy to get started with.

It draws on ‘msgconvert.pl`, but tries to take a cleaner and more complete approach. Neither are complete yet, however, but I think that this project provides a clean foundation upon which to work on a good converter for msg files for use in outlook migrations etc.

I am happy to accept patches, give commit bits etc.

Please let me know how it works for you, any feedback would be welcomed.

Usage =

Higher level access to the msg, can be had through the top level data accessors.

require ‘msg’

msg = Msg.load open(filename)

# access to the 3 main data stores, if you want to poke with the msg # internals msg.recipients # => [#<Recipient:‘'Marley, Bob' <[email protected]>’>] msg.attachments # => [#<Attachment filename=‘blah1.tif’>, #<Attachment filename=‘blah2.tif’>] msg.properties # => #<Properties … normalized_subject=‘Testing’ … # creation_time=#<DateTime: 2454042.45074714,0,2299161> …> }}

To completely abstract away all msg peculiarities, convert the msg to a mime object. The message as a whole, and some of its main parts support conversion to mime objects.

msg.attachments.first.to_mime # => #<Mime content_type=‘application/octet-stream’> mime = msg.to_mime puts mime.to_tree # =>

  • #<Mime content_type=‘multipart/mixed’> |- #<Mime content_type=‘multipart/alternative’> | |- #<Mime content_type=‘text/plain’> | - #<Mime content_type=‘text/html’> |- #<Mime content_type=‘application/octet-stream’> - #<Mime content_type=‘application/octet-stream’>

# convert mime object to serialised form, # inclusive of attachments etc. (not ideal in memory, but its wip). puts mime.to_s }}

You can also access the underlying ole object, and see all the gory details of how msgs are serialised:

puts msg.ole.root.to_tree # =>

  • #<OleDir:“Root Entry” size=3840 time=“2006-11-03T00:52:53Z”> |- #<OleDir:“__nameid_version1.0” size=0 time=“2006-11-03T00:52:53Z”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_00020102” size=16 data=“CCAGAAAAAADAAA…”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_00030102” size=64 data=“DoUAAAYAAABShQ…”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_00040102” size=0 data=“”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_10010102” size=16 data=“UoUAAAYAAQAQhQ…”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_10090102” size=8 data=“GIUAAAYABgA=”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_100A0102” size=8 data=“BoUAAAYABwA=”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_100F0102” size=8 data=“A4UAAAYABAA=”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_10110102” size=8 data=“AYUAAAYAAwA=”> | |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_10120102” size=8 data=“DoUAAAYAAAA=”> | - #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_101E0102” size=8 data=“VIUAAAYAAgA=”> |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_001A001E” size=8 data=“SVBNLk5vdGU=”> … |- #<OleDir:“__substg1.0_8002001E” size=4 data=“MTEuMA==”> |- #<OleDir:“__properties_version1.0” size=800 data=“AAAAAAAAAAABAA…”> - #<OleDir:“_recip_version1.0#00000000” size=0 time=“2006-11-03T00:52:53Z”>

    |- #<OleDir:"__substg1.0_0FF60102" size=4 data="AAAAAA==">
    |- #<OleDir:"__substg1.0_3001001E" size=4 data="YXNkZg==">
    |- #<OleDir:"__substg1.0_5FF6001E" size=4 data="YXNkZg==">
    \- #<OleDir:"__properties_version1.0" size=152 data="AAAAAAAAAAAeAA...">


Further Details =

Named properties have recently been implemented, and Msg::Properties now allows associated guids. Keys are represented by Msg::Properties::Key, which contains the relevant code.

You can now write code like: props = msg.properties

props # access subject by mapi code props[0x0037, Msg::Properties::PS_MAPI] # equivalent, with explicit GUID. key = Msg::Properties::Key.new 0x0037 # => 0x0037 props # same again

# keys support being converted to symbols, and then use a symbolic lookup key.to_sym # => :subject props # as above props.subject # still good }}

Under the hood, there is complete support for named properties: # to get the categories as set by outlook props[‘Keywords’, Msg::Properties::PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS] # => [“Business”, “Competition”, “Favorites”]

# and as a fallback, the symbolic lookup will automatically use named properties, # which can be seen: props.resolve :keywords # => #<Key {00020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046/“Keywords”>

# which allows this to work: props.keywords # as above }}}

With some more work, the property storage model should be able to reach feature completion.