
Circle CI

A Ruby client library for Apache Kafka, a distributed log and message bus. The focus of this library will be operational simplicity, with good logging and metrics that can make debugging issues easier.

The Producer API is currently beta level and used in production. There's an alpha level Consumer Group API that has not yet been used in production and that may change without warning. Feel free to try it out but don't expect it to be stable or correct quite yet.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ruby-kafka'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ruby-kafka


Please see the documentation site for detailed documentation on the latest release. Note that the documentation on GitHub may not match the version of the library you're using – there are still being made many changes to the API.

Producing Messages to Kafka

A client must be initialized with at least one Kafka broker. Each client keeps a separate pool of broker connections. Don't use the same client from more than one thread.

require "kafka"

kafka = ["kafka1:9092", "kafka2:9092"])

A producer buffers messages and sends them to the broker that is the leader of the partition a given message is assigned to.

producer = kafka.producer

produce will buffer the message in the producer but will not actually send it to the Kafka cluster.

producer.produce("hello1", topic: "test-messages")

It's possible to specify a message key.

producer.produce("hello2", key: "x", topic: "test-messages")

If you need to control which partition a message should be assigned to, you can pass in the partition parameter.

producer.produce("hello3", topic: "test-messages", partition: 1)

If you don't know exactly how many partitions are in the topic, or you'd rather have some level of indirection, you can pass in partition_key. Two messages with the same partition key will always be assigned to the same partition.

producer.produce("hello4", topic: "test-messages", partition_key: "yo")

deliver_messages will send the buffered messages to the cluster. Since messages may be destined for different partitions, this could involve writing to more than one Kafka broker. Note that a failure to send all buffered messages after the configured number of retries will result in Kafka::DeliveryFailed being raised. This can be rescued and ignored; the messages will be kept in the buffer until the next attempt.


Read the docs for Kafka::Producer for more details.

Asynchronously Producing Messages

A normal producer will block while #deliver_messages is sending messages to Kafka, possible for tens of seconds or even minutes at a time, depending on your timeout and retry settings. Furthermore, you have to call #deliver_messages manually, with a frequency that balances batch size with message delay.

In order to avoid blocking during message deliveries you can use the asynchronous producer API. It is mostly similar to the synchronous API, with calls to #produce and #deliver_messages. The main difference is that rather than blocking, these calls will return immediately. The actual work will be done in a background thread, with the messages and operations being sent from the caller over a thread safe queue.

# `#async_producer` will create a new asynchronous producer.
producer = kafka.async_producer

# The `#produce` API works as normal.
producer.produce("hello", topic: "greetings")

# `#deliver_messages` will return immediately.

# Make sure to call `#shutdown` on the producer in order to
# avoid leaking resources.

By default, the delivery policy will be the same as for a synchronous producer: only when #deliver_messages is called will the messages be delivered. However, the asynchronous producer offers two complementary policies for automatic delivery:

  1. Trigger a delivery once the producer's message buffer reaches a specified threshold. This can be used to improve efficiency by increasing the batch size when sending messages to the Kafka cluster.
  2. Trigger a delivery at a fixed time interval. This puts an upper bound on message delays.

These policies can be used alone or in combination.

# `async_producer` will create a new asynchronous producer.
producer = kafka.async_producer(
  # Trigger a delivery once 100 messages have been buffered.
  delivery_threshold: 100,

  # Trigger a delivery every 30 seconds.
  delivery_interval: 30,

producer.produce("hello", topic: "greetings")

# ...

Note: if the calling thread produces messages faster than the producer can write them to Kafka, you'll eventually run into problems. The internal queue used for sending messages from the calling thread to the background worker has a size limit; once this limit is reached, a call to #produce will raise Kafka::BufferOverflow.


This library is agnostic to which serialization format you prefer. Both the value and key of a message is treated as a binary string of data. This makes it easier to use whatever serialization format you want, since you don't have to do anything special to make it work with ruby-kafka. Here's an example of encoding data with JSON:

require "json"

# ...

event = {
  "name" => "pageview",
  "url" => "",
  # ...

data = JSON.dump(event)

producer.produce(data, topic: "events")


Kafka topics are partitioned, with messages being assigned to a partition by the client. This allows a great deal of flexibility for the users. This section describes several strategies for partitioning and how they impact performance, data locality, etc.

Load Balanced Partitioning

When optimizing for efficiency, we either distribute messages as evenly as possible to all partitions, or make sure each producer always writes to a single partition. The former ensures an even load for downstream consumers; the latter ensures the highest producer performance, since message batching is done per partition.

If no explicit partition is specified, the producer will look to the partition key or the message key for a value that can be used to deterministically assign the message to a partition. If there is a big number of different keys, the resulting distribution will be pretty even. If no keys are passed, the producer will randomly assign a partition. Random partitioning can be achieved even if you use message keys by passing a random partition key, e.g. partition_key: rand(100).

If you wish to have the producer write all messages to a single partition, simply generate a random value and re-use that as the partition key:

partition_key = rand(100)

producer.produce(msg1, topic: "messages", partition_key: partition_key)
producer.produce(msg2, topic: "messages", partition_key: partition_key)

# ...

You can also base the partition key on some property of the producer, for example the host name.

Semantic Partitioning

By assigning messages to a partition based on some property of the message, e.g. making sure all events tracked in a user session are assigned to the same partition, downstream consumers can make simplifying assumptions about data locality. In this example, a consumer can keep process local state pertaining to a user session knowing that all events for the session will be read from a single partition. This is also called semantic partitioning, since the partition assignment is part of the application behavior.

Typically it's sufficient to simply pass a partition key in order to guarantee that a set of messages will be assigned to the same partition, e.g.

# All messages with the same `session_id` will be assigned to the same partition.
producer.produce(event, topic: "user-events", partition_key: session_id)

However, sometimes it's necessary to select a specific partition. When doing this, make sure that you don't pick a partition number outside the range of partitions for the topic:

partitions = kafka.partitions_for("events")

# Make sure that we don't exceed the partition count!
partition = some_number % partitions

producer.produce(event, topic: "events", partition: partition)

Compatibility with Other Clients

There's no standardized way to assign messages to partitions across different Kafka client implementations. If you have a heterogeneous set of clients producing messages to the same topics it may be important to ensure a consistent partitioning scheme. This library doesn't try to implement all schemes, so you'll have to figure out which scheme the other client is using and replicate it. An example:

partitions = kafka.partitions_for("events")

# Insert your custom partitioning scheme here:
partition = PartitioningScheme.assign(partitions, event)

producer.produce(event, topic: "events", partition: partition)

Buffering and Error Handling

The producer is designed for resilience in the face of temporary network errors, Kafka broker failovers, and other issues that prevent the client from writing messages to the destination topics. It does this by employing local, in-memory buffers. Only when messages are acknowledged by a Kafka broker will they be removed from the buffer.

Typically, you'd configure the producer to retry failed attempts at sending messages, but sometimes all retries are exhausted. In that case, Kafka::DeliveryFailed is raised from Kafka::Producer#deliver_messages. If you wish to have your application be resilient to this happening (e.g. if you're logging to Kafka from a web application) you can rescue this exception. The failed messages are still retained in the buffer, so a subsequent call to #deliver_messages will still attempt to send them.

Note that there's a maximum buffer size; pass in a different value for max_buffer_size when calling #producer in order to configure this.

A final note on buffers: local buffers give resilience against broker and network failures, and allow higher throughput due to message batching, but they also trade off consistency guarantees for higher availibility and resilience. If your local process dies while messages are buffered, those messages will be lost. If you require high levels of consistency, you should call #deliver_messages immediately after #produce.


It's a very good idea to configure the Kafka client with a logger. All important operations and errors are logged. When instantiating your client, simply pass in a valid logger:

logger ="log/kafka.log")
kafka = logger, ...)

By default, nothing is logged.

Understanding Timeouts

It's important to understand how timeouts work if you have a latency sensitive application. This library allows configuring timeouts on different levels:

Network timeouts apply to network connections to individual Kafka brokers. There are two config keys here, each passed to

  • connect_timeout sets the number of seconds to wait while connecting to a broker for the first time. When ruby-kafka initializes, it needs to connect to at least one host in seed_brokers in order to discover the Kafka cluster. Each host is tried until there's one that works. Usually that means the first one, but if your entire cluster is down, or there's a network partition, you could wait up to n * connect_timeout seconds, where n is the number of seed brokers.
  • socket_timeout sets the number of seconds to wait when reading from or writing to a socket connection to a broker. After this timeout expires the connection will be killed. Note that some Kafka operations are by definition long-running, such as waiting for new messages to arrive in a partition, so don't set this value too low. When configuring timeouts relating to specific Kafka operations, make sure to make them shorter than this one.

Producer timeouts can be configured when calling #producer on a client instance:

  • ack_timeout is a timeout executed by a broker when the client is sending messages to it. It defines the number of seconds the broker should wait for replicas to acknowledge the write before responding to the client with an error. As such, it relates to the required_acks setting. It should be set lower than socket_timeout.
  • retry_backoff configures the number of seconds to wait after a failed attempt to send messages to a Kafka broker before retrying. The max_retries setting defines the maximum number of retries to attempt, and so the total duration could be up to max_retries * retry_backoff seconds. The timeout can be arbitrarily long, and shouldn't be too short: if a broker goes down its partitions will be handed off to another broker, and that can take tens of seconds.

When sending many messages, it's likely that the client needs to send some messages to each broker in the cluster. Given n brokers in the cluster, the total wait time when calling Kafka::Producer#deliver_messages can be up to

n * (connect_timeout + socket_timeout + retry_backoff) * max_retries

Make sure your application can survive being blocked for so long.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Note: the specs require a working Docker instance, but should work out of the box if you have Docker installed. Please create an issue if that's not the case.


The current stable release is v0.1. This release is running in production at Zendesk, but it's still not recommended that you use it when data loss is unacceptable. It will take a little while until all edge cases have been uncovered and handled.

The API may still be changed in v0.2.

v0.2: Stable Producer API

Target date: end of February.

The API should now have stabilized and the library should be battle tested enough to deploy for critical use cases.

v1.0: Consumer API

The Consumer API defined by Kafka 0.9 will be implemented.

Why a new library?

There are a few existing Kafka clients in Ruby:

  • Poseidon seems to work for Kafka 0.8, but the project has is unmaintained and has known issues.
  • Hermann wraps the C library librdkafka and seems to be very efficient, but its API and mode of operation is too intrusive for our needs.
  • jruby-kafka is a great option if you're running on JRuby.

We needed a robust client that could be used from our existing Ruby apps, allowed our Ops to monitor operation, and provided flexible error handling. There didn't exist such a client, hence this project.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

Copyright 2015 Zendesk

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.