RuboCop: Bridgetown

A RuboCop extension to enforce a common code style in the Bridgetown ecosystem and beyond.

Gem Version RuboCop Support


Just add the rubocop-bridgetown gem to your Gemfile.

# Gemfile

gem "rubocop-bridgetown", "~> 0.4"

or if you're developing another gem:

# <plugin>.gemspec

spec.add_development_dependency "rubocop-bridgetown", "~> 0.4"

and run bundle install


You need to tell RuboCop to load the extension and inherit the custom RuboCop configuration advocated by Bridgetown.

Place the following at the top of your .rubocop.yml.

require: rubocop-bridgetown
  rubocop-bridgetown: .rubocop.yml

Running bundle exec rubocop will now automatically load the rubocop-bridgetown cops together with the standard cops.

You can also add a rubocop task to your Rakefile.

# Rakefile

require "rubocop/rake_task"

Exclude Folders List

Currently it seems Rubocop doesn't inherit the Excludes folder list from the gem configuration, so you may want to add it manually to your .rubocop.yml file:

    - bin/**/*
    - exe/**/*
    - benchmark/**/*
    - node_modules/**/*
    - script/**/*
    - vendor/**/*
    - tmp/**/*


You can override any settings inherited from the extension by configuring cops in your .rubocop.yml.

Besides cops which are provided directly by RuboCop and rubocop-performance, there are a few additional cops provided by this plugin:

  • Bridgetown/HTMLEscapedHeredoc: this will monitor any heredocs in your code for potential XSS issues inside of any string interpolations. To avoid linting errors, you will need to wrap any interpolated code inside of one of the following method names: html, html_map, html_attributes, text, or render. These methods are provided by the Streamlined gem, bundled in Bridgetown 1.4 by default (but you can use them in any Ruby application including Rails).
  • Bridgetown/NoPAllowed: this encourages using your framework's logger rather than p to output debugging information.
  • Bridgetown/NoPutsAllowed: this encourages using your framework's logger rather than puts to output debugging information.

You can disable any of these cops in specific parts of your codebase as needed, or by setting Enabled: false for any particular cop in your .rubocop.yml.