
Rubium is a handy wrapper around chrome_remote gem. It adds browsers instances handling, and some Capybara-like methods. It is very lightweight (200 lines of code in the main Rubium::Browser class for now) and doens't use Selenium or Capybara.

You can use Rubium as a lightweight alternative to Selenium/Capybara/Watir if you need to perform some operations (like web scraping) using Headless Chromium and Ruby. Of course, the API currently doesn't has a lot of methods to automate browser, but it has the most frequently used and basic ones.

require 'rubium'

browser =

# Get current page response as string:

# Get current page response as Nokogiri object:

# Click to the some element (css selector):"some selector")

# Get current cookies:

# Fill in some field:
browser.fill_in("some field selector", "Some text")

# Tells if current response has provided css selector or not. You can
# provide optional `wait:` argument (in seconds) to set the max wait time for the selector:
browser.has_css?("some selector", wait: 1)

# Tells if current response has provided text or not. You can
# provide optional `wait:` argument (in seconds) to set the max wait time for the text:
browser.has_text?("some text")

# Evaluate some JS code on a new tab:
browser.evaluate_on_new_document( "browser_inject.js")

# Evaluate JS code expression:
browser.execute_script("JS code string")

# Access chrome_remote client directly:

# Close browser:

# Restart browser:

There are some options which you can provide while creating browser instance:

browser =
  debugging_port: 9222, # custom debugging port
  headless: false, # Run browser in normal (not headless) mode
  user_agent: "Some user agent", # Custom user-agent
  proxy_server: "", # Set proxy

You can provide custom Chrome binary path this way:

Rubium.configure do |config|
  config.chrome_path = "/path/to/chrome/binary"


Rubium tested with 2.3.0 Ruby version and up.

Rubium is in the alpha stage (and therefore will have breaking updates in the future), so it's recommended to hard-code latest gem version in your Gemfile, like: gem 'rubium', '0.1.0'.


Sure, feel free to fork and add new functionality.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.