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:bowtie: Alpha




rubio uses the vlc -I dummy as the audio playback backend.

On Mac, it is recommended that you install VLC via Homebrew to ensure the vlc command is added to the PATH environment variable automatically:

brew install vlc

On Windows, install VLC using the Windows installer, and then add the installed VLC app directory to the PATH environment variable (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC) to make the vlc command available.

Ruby Gem:

gem install rubio-radio


Run with this command:


The top 10,000 Radio Browser stations are displayed by default. But, you can customize the count (note that currently, there are only about 32,000 Radio Browser stations total).

rubio --count 20000

The stations are fetched gradually (asynchronously) from the Radio Browser web API to have the app start instantly (avoid having the user wait for the app to start) no matter what the total count of stations is. But, you can avoid gradual prefetching if you prefer.

rubio --no-gradual

Default player is vlc -I dummy. But, you can use any command line player that can take URL of radio station as its first argument.

rubio --backend mpg123

Learn more about rubio options:

rubio --help
Usage: rubio [options]
        --vlc [STR]         use VLC interface STR on the backend [dummy]
        --mpg123            use mpg123 on the backend
    -b, --backend STR       command to use as backend player ['vlc -I dummy']
    -c, --count INT         number of stations to fetch from radio-browser [10000]
        --per-page INT      number of stations per page [20]
    -w, --width INT         main window width
    -h, --height INT        main window height
        --[no-]page-count   show/hide page count [false]
        --[no-]menu         show/hide menu [true]
        --[no-]bookmarks    show/hide bookmarks [true]
        --[no-]gradual      gradually/non-gradually fetch stations [true]
        --debug             output status of monitored threads
        --help              show this help message
        --version           show the rubio version number


rubio --vlc              # `vlc -I rc` (interactive command line interface)
rubio --mpg123           # `rubio --backend mpg123`
rubio --count 1000       # Displays the top 1,000 Radio Browser stations

Minimalistic Example:

rubio --per-page 6 --no-menu --no-bookmarks

small screen linux screenshot

Page Count Example:

rubio --page-count

page count mac screenshot

You can use the top menu bar to stop the currently playing radio station, bookmark, unbookmark, view only bookmarked stations, view only currently playing station, and read the about dialog.

view book marks mac screenshot

Bookmarks are stored in File.join(Dir.home, '.rubio-radio', 'bookmarks.yml')

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