Rubaidh Generators

Rails ships with its own generators for creating models, controllers and complete scaffolds. RSpec ships with its own take on these generators. We ship with yet another slightly different take on the generators, suited to Rubaidh’s tastes.

Application Generator

The gem ships with a program called rubaidh_rails which generates a Rails application and applies the Rubaidh template to it. In short, this will:

  • initialize a local Git repository, ignoring the appropriate things and saving the log directory but not its contents;

  • install RSpec, RSpec’s Rails support, Shoulda and object_daddy for testing support;

  • install and enable GetExceptional for watching errors in production; and

  • create and migrate all the appropriate databases.

So, for every new application, it’ll save us a good hour of boring fiddling. :-)

Component Generators

We currently ship with 4 generators:

  • rubaidh_model which generates a model, specification and exemplar.

  • rubaidh_controller which generates a controller and specification.

  • rubaidh_helper which generates a helper and its specification.

  • rubaidh_scaffold which generates the full shebang for a CRUD-operated RESTful resource.

  • rubaidh_layout which generates a basic web-app theme

Where possible generators are built in terms of other generators (so the scaffold calls on rubaidh_model to generate the model).


Copyright © 2009 Rubaidh Ltd, released under the MIT license.