Gem Version

RSpec Pretty HTML Reporter

Produce pretty RSpec reports.

This is a custom reporter for RSpec which generates pretty HTML reports showing the results of rspec tests. It has features to embed images and videos into the report providing better debugging information when a test fails.


Add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-pretty-html-reporter'

Generating the report

Either add the below into your .rspec file

--format RspecPrettyHtmlReporter

or run RSpec with --format RspecPrettyHtmlReporter like below:

REPORT_PATH=reports/$(date +%s) bundle exec rspec --format RspecPrettyHtmlReporter spec

This will create the reports in the reports directory.


Images and videos can be embed by adding their path into example's metadata. For an example of how to do this, please check out this Sample Test.


This library is forked from vbanthia/rspec_html_reporter. The original credit goes to kingsleyh for kingsleyh/rspec_reports_formatter