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Run your shell script in a mocked environment to test its behaviour using RSpec.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'rspec-shell-expectations'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-shell-expectations

You can setup rspec-shell-expectations globally for your spec suite:

in spec_helper.rb:

```ruby require ‘rspec/shell/expectations’

RSpec.configure do |c| c.include Rspec::Shell::Expectations end ```


see specs in spec/ folder:

Running script through stubbed env:

```ruby require ‘rspec/shell/expectations’

describe ‘my shell script’ do include Rspec::Shell::Expectations

let(:stubbed_env) { create_stubbed_env }

it 'runs the script' do
  stdout, stderr, status = stubbed_env.execute(
    { 'SOME_OPTIONAL' => 'env vars' }
  expect(status.exitstatus).to eq 0
end   end ```

Stubbing commands:

```ruby let(:stubbed_env) { create_stubbed_env } let(:bundle) { stubbed_env.stub_command(‘bundle’) } let(:rake) { bundle.with_args(‘exec’, ‘rake’) }

it ‘is stubbed’ do stubbed_env.execute ‘’ expect(rake.with_args(‘test’)).to be_called expect(bundle.with_args(‘install)).to be_called end ```

Changing exitstatus:

ruby let(:stubbed_env) { create_stubbed_env } before do stubbed_env.stub_command('rake').returns_exitstatus(5) stubbed_env.stub_command('rake').with_args('spec').returns_exitstatus(3) end

Stubbing output:

ruby let(:stubbed_env) { create_stubbed_env } let(:rake_stub) { stubbed_env.stub_command 'rake' } before do rake_stub.outputs('informative message', to: :stdout) .outputs('error message', to: :stderr) .outputs('log contents', to: 'logfile.log') end

Verifying called:

```ruby let(:stubbed_env) { create_stubbed_env } let(:rake_stub) { stubbed_env.stub_command ‘rake’ } it ‘verifies called’ do stubbed_env.execute_script ‘’

expect(rake_stub).to be_called
expect(rake_stub.with_args('spec')).to be_called
expect(rake_stub.with_args('features')).not_to be_called   end ```

Verifying stdin:

ruby let(:stubbed_env) { create_stubbed_env } let(:cat_stub) { stubbed_env.stub_command 'cat' } let(:mail_stub) { stubbed_env.stub_command 'mail' } it 'verifies stdin' do stubbed_env.execute_script '' expect(cat_stub.stdin).to eql 'hello' expect(mail_stub.with_args('-s', 'hello').stdin).to eql 'world' end

More examples

see the features folder

Supported ruby versions

Ruby 2+, no JRuby, due to issues with Open3.capture3


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request