RSpec-Rerun Build Status

The strategy to rerun failed specs is to output a file called rspec.failures that contains a list of failed examples and to feed that file back to RSpec.


Add rspec-rerun to Gemfile.

gem "rspec-rerun"

Require rspec-rerun and change the default task in Rakefile.

require 'rspec-rerun'
task :default => "rspec-rerun:spec"

It might also be a good idea to add rspec.failures to .gitignore.


Rerunning failed specs has been a long requested feature in RSpec (see #456). A viable approach has been finally implemented by Matt Mitchell in #596. The infrastructure from that pull request was released with RSpec 2.11, which made rerunning specs finally possible outside of RSpec, described in this blog post.

The rspec-rerun gem is an attempt to package the parts that didn't make it into rspec-core.


Fork the project. Make your feature addition or bug fix with tests. Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

(c) 2012 Inc., Daniel Doubrovkine and Contributors