It is recommended not to use passphrase-protected keys with this gem. Remember, RSpec::PGPMatchers are meant for testing, therefore there is no security trade-off involved. Nevertheless, passphrase-protected keys are supported as well. With some hassle, though…

This guide was written for GnuPG 2.2. Other versions may require a different set of configuration options.

Passing the passphrase in gpg.conf

This is the easier option, however it will work only if you use the same passphrase for all the keys.

  1. Write GnuPG options to a config file located at <pgp/home/path>/gpg.conf:

    pinentry-mode loopback
    passphrase <passphrase>
  2. Write GnuPG Agent options to a config file located at <pgp/home/path>/gpg-agent.conf:

  3. If GnuPG Agent was running, reload it to pick the updated configuration:

    gpgconf --homedir <pgp/home/path> --reload gpg-agent

Passphrase presetting

This is the recommended and more comprehensive solution, though also bit more complicated.

  1. Write GnuPG options to a config file located at <pgp/home/path>/gpg.conf:

  2. Write GnuPG Agent options to a config file located at <pgp/home/path>/gpg-agent.conf:

  3. If GnuPG Agent was running, reload it to pick the updated configuration:

    gpgconf --homedir <pgp/home/path> --reload gpg-agent
  4. Obtain keygrips of password-protected keys you want to use:

    gpg --homedir <pgp/home/path> --list-keys --with-keygrip

    Note that sometimes you will need a subkey’s keygrip rather than primary key’s one. Subkeys are typically used for message encryption, but can be used for signing as well.

  5. Preset passwords for keys:

    gpg-preset-passphrase --homedir <pgp/home/path> --preset --passphrase <passphrase> <keygrip>

    or (will read passphrase from standard input):

    gpg-preset-passphrase --homedir <pgp/home/path> --preset <keygrip>

    Note that gpg-preset-passphrase is not in PATH on some systems. For instance, when GnuPG is installed on MacOS via Homebrew, it is located at /usr/local/opt/gnupg/libexec, which is not in PATH by default.
