RSpec Pact Matchers

This gem provides a match_pact RSpec matcher that uses the underlying matching logic from the Pact gem to compare two "JSON" object graphs (ie. Hashes, Arrays, and the simple object types that result from parsing a JSON document into a Ruby data structure). The expected JSON object graph may be "plain old Ruby", or it may use the Pact [matchers]pact-matchers.

Note that Pact is a library designed for testing consumer contracts, and it follows [Postel's law][postels-law] in being "liberal in what you accept from others". This means that it allows unexpected keys in the actual document by default. If you are using the match_pact to test data that will be sent to another system, you should "be conservative in what you send" and use the {allow_unexpected_keys: false} option.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-pact-matchers'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-pact-matchers


The RSpec Pact matcher will allow

require 'rspec/pact/matchers'

# Simple match, allowing extra keys

expect(thing: 'foo', other_thing: 'bar').to match_pact(thing: 'foo')

# Disallowing extra keys

expect(thing: 'foo', other_thing: 'bar').to match_pact({thing: 'foo'}, {allow_unexpected_keys: false}) # This will fail

# Using Pact matchers

expect(thing: 'foo', other_thing: 'bar').to match_pact( 'wiffle'))


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.