RSpec Dump Profile Customizer

RSpecDumpProfileCustomizer provides report about worst N slow test and/or slow test over N seconds. You can set "N" in rails configuration file, application.rb. This is a small gem which modify dump_profile method in rspec for rails application. It therefore depends on rspec and rails.


Add 'rspec-dump-profile-customizer' gem to your existing app’s Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-dump-profile-customizer'

Bundle it:

% bundle


Set up rspec-dump-profile-customizer is easy. Just put it in your Gemfile and add your application.rb settings.


config.rspec_dump_profile.number  = 15
config.rspec_dump_profile.second  = 3.5

Then, run your specs like this from now on:

$ bundle exec rspec -p spec/*/*_spec.rb

If you want to see slow tests as your default formatter, simply put the options in your .rspec file:


Then, run your specs like this from now on:

$ bundle exec rake spec

Sample Image


A Rails >= 3.0 Application with RSpec >= 2.0


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