A set of rspec matchers and helpers that make it easier to write specs for cramp.

Quick start

gem install rspec-cramp

require 'rspec/cramp'

describe HelloWorld, :cramp => true do
  def app

  it "should respond to a GET request" do
    # Various ways to match a response code.
    get("/").should respond_with :status => :ok         # Matches responses from 200 to 299.
    get("/").should respond_with :status => 200         # Matches only 200.
    get("/").should respond_with :status => "200"       # Same as above.
    get("/").should respond_with :status => /^2.*/      # Matches response codes starting with 2.
    get("/").should_not respond_with :status => :error  # Matches any HTTP error.

  it "should respond with text starting with 'Hello'" do
    get("/").should respond_with :body => /^Hello.*/

  it "should respond with 'Hello, world!'" do
    get("/").should respond_with :body => "Hello, world!"

  it "should respond with html" do
    get("/").should respond_with :headers => {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}
    get("/").should_not respond_with :headers => {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}
    get("/").should_not respond_with :headers => {"Unexpected-Header" => /.*/}

The matcher is fairly flexible, supports regular expressions and also works with multipart responses (more than one Cramp::Action.render), SSE and so on. I'll create more examples and docs but for the time being, pls. take a look at the code and examples.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't done any work with WebSockets yet so if there is anyone willing to add support for WebSockets, please tweet me

Project status

IMPORTANT: This is work in progress.

  1. There are still some things I'll take care of soon (esp. better failure messages).
  2. I extracted the code from one of my projects and rewrote the matchers from scratch test-first. Still, after the weekend I plan to actually use it to replace the 'legacy' matchers in my project; this will probably uncover some bugs and may make me add more functionality. UPDATE: I'm working on it right now.

If you have any comments regarding the code as it is now (I know it's a bit messy), please feel free to tweet @MartinBilski


  1. The previous version had a problem handling exceptions raised in on_start or on_finish or with on_start that called finish without rendering anything because the request helper methods always try to read one body chunk after a successful response (200-299).

    Actually, it wasn't a very big deal, the call would simply time out and raise Timeout::Error with a special error message hinting at the problem: execution expired (No render call in action?).

    The current version, comes with a monkey-patched Cramp::Action which now renders the exception info if it is raised in on_start or in on_finish.

    See this example spec to see error handling in action.

    I'm definitely open to suggestions, especially how this can be fixed without the cramp surgery. Is the original timeout-based solution better? Unfortunately, the matcher by default always loads one chunk of response body for a successful response.

  2. This work is based on Pratik Naik's code and writing specs in a similar fashion is still supported though I added a helper for loading the body and a response matcher and some accessors to make your life easier.

    describe MyCrampAction, :cramp => true do
        def app
        it "should respond to a GET request" do
            get("/") do |response|
                response.status.should == 200
                response.headers.should have_key "Content-Type"
                response.should be_matching :status => :ok
                stop # This is important.
        it "should match the body" do
            get("/") do |response|
                response.read_body do
                    response.body.should include "Hello, world!"  # MockResponse::body returns an Array.
                    response.should be_matching :body => "Hello, world!"
                    # Note: no call to stop here.

    In general, I recommend using the 'respond_with' matcher whenever possible; I think it makes the specs more readable because it hides some gory details (for good or bad). But they are useful when you're debugging your cramp application if the failure message doesn't include all the details you need.