
rspec-blame provides a Blame RSpec foramtter that outputs the author, commit hash, and commit date for the slowest examples when profiling with RSpec in a git project.


gem 'rspec-blame'

After including the above line in your Gemfile and running bundle install, there are several ways to use the formatter:

Command Line

rspec --require rspec/blame --profile --format Blame file_spec.rb or rspec -r rspec/blame -p -f Blame file_spec.rb

Rake Task

require "rspec/blame"
require "rspec/core/rake_task" { |t| t.rspec_opts = "-p -f Blame" }

Configure RSpec

Add --require "rspec/blame", --profile, and --format Blame to your .rspec file.

Alternatively, add require "spec_helper" to any spec files and add the following to your spec_helper.rb:

Rspec.configure do |config|
  config.profile_examples = true
  config.format = Blame



Slowest 6 examples finished in 0.0074 secs (100.0% of total time: 0.0074 secs).
Blame dump_profile_slowest_examples prints the number of examples to profile
0.0016 secs ./spec/lib/rspec/blame_spec.rb:21                                               Author: dseeto (i0r2i2s5), Date: 2014-05-28
Blame dump_profile_slowest_examples prints summary including author, commit, and date
0.0012 secs ./spec/lib/rspec/blame_spec.rb:42                                               Author: dseeto (i0r2i2s5), Date: 2014-05-28
Blame dump_profile_slowest_examples prints the time taken for the slowest tests
0.0012 secs ./spec/lib/rspec/blame_spec.rb:25                                               Author: dseeto (i0r2i2s5), Date: 2014-05-28
Blame dump_profile_slowest_examples prints the path to test example
0.0012 secs ./spec/lib/rspec/blame_spec.rb:37                                               Author: dseeto (i0r2i2s5), Date: 2014-05-28
Blame dump_profile_slowest_examples prints the percentage taken from the total time
0.0011 secs ./spec/lib/rspec/blame_spec.rb:33                                               Author: dseeto (i0r2i2s5), Date: 2014-05-28
Blame dump_profile_slowest_examples prints the name of the examples
0.0011 secs ./spec/lib/rspec/blame_spec.rb:29                                               Author: dseeto (i0r2i2s5), Date: 2014-05-28

Finished in 0.00792 seconds
6 examples, 0 failures


David Seeto

[email protected]