
This page introduce how to use Rroonga via a simple application making.


You can install Rroonga in your compter with RubyGems.

% sudo gem install rroonga

Create Database

Let's create database for simple bookmark application. Please execute irb with loading Rroonga with this command:

% irb --simple-prompt -r groonga

Then, try to create database in a file.

>> Groonga::Database.create(:path => "/tmp/bookmark.db")
=> #<Groonga::Database ...>

From now, the created database is used implicitly. You don't have to be aware of it after you created a database first.

Define table

Groonga supports 4 types of tables.

Groonga::Hash : Hash table. It manages records via each primary key. It supports very quickly exact match search.

Groonga::PatriciaTrie : Patricia Trie. It supports some search such as predictive search and common prefix search, but it provides a little slowly exact match search than Groonga::Hash. It provides cursor to take records in ascending or descending order.

Groonga::DoubleArrayTrie : Double Array Trie. It requires large spaces rather than other tables, but it can update key without ID change. It provides exract match search, predictive search and common prefix search and cursor like Groonga::PatriciaTrie.

Groonga::Array : Array. It doesn't have primary keys. It manages records by ID.

Now, you use Groonga::Hash and create the table named Items. The type of its primary key is String.

>> Groonga::Schema.create_table("Items", :type => :hash)
=> [...]

You have Items table by this code. You can refer the defined table with Groonga.[] like below:

>> items = Groonga["Items"]
=> #<Groonga::Hash ...>

You can treat it like Hash. For example, let's type items.size to get the number of records in the table.

>> items.size
=> 0

Add records

Let's add records to Items table.

>> items.add("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby")
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>
>> items.add("http://www.ruby-lang.org/")
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>

Please check the number of records. It increases from 0 to 2.

>> items.size
=> 2

If you can get record by primary key, type like below:

>> items["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby"]
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>

Let's add item's title to full text search.

first, you add the Text type column "title" to Items table.

>> Groonga::Schema.change_table("Items") do |table|
?>     table.text("title")
>>   end
=> [...]

Defined columns is named as #{TABLE_NAME}.#{COLUMN_NAME}. You can refer them with Groonga.[] as same as tables.

>> title_column = Groonga["Items.title"]
=> #<Groonga::VariableSizeColumn ...>

Secondly, let's add the table containing terms from splited from texts. Then you define the Terms for it.

>> Groonga::Schema.create_table("Terms",
?>                              :type => :patricia_trie,
?>                              :normalizer => :NormalizerAuto,
?>                              :default_tokenizer => "TokenBigram")

You specify :default_tokenzier => "TokenBigram" for "Tokenizer" in the above code. "Tokenizer" is the object to split terms from texts. The default value for it is none. Full text search requires a tokenizer, so you specify "Bigram", a type of N-gram. Full text search with N-gram uses splited N characters and their position in texts. "N" in N-gram specifies the number of each terms. Groonga supports Unigram (N=1), Bigram (N=2) and Trigram (N=3).

You also specify :normalizer => :NormalizerAuto to search texts with ignoring the case.

Now, you ready table for terms, so you define the index of Items.tiltle column.

>> Groonga::Schema.change_table("Terms") do |table|
?>     table.index("Items.title")
>>   end
=> [...]

You may feel a few unreasonable code. The index of Items table's column is defined as the column in Terms.

When a record is added to Items, groonga adds records associated each terms in it to Terms automatically.

Terms is a few particular table, but you can add some columns to term table such as Terms and manage many attributes of each terms. It is very useful to process particular search.

Now, you finished table definition. Let's put some values to title of each record you added before.

>> items["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby"].title = "Ruby"
=> "Ruby"
>> items["http://www.ruby-lang.org/"].title = "Ruby Programming Language"
"Ruby Programming Language"

Now, you can do full text search like above:

>> ruby_items = items.select {|record| record.title =~ "Ruby"}
=> #<Groonga::Hash ..., normalizer: (nil)>

Groonga returns the search result as Groonga::Hash. Keys in this hash table is records of hitted Items.

>> ruby_items.collect {|record| record.key.key}
=> ["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby", "http://www.ruby-lang.org/"]

In above example, you get records in Items with record.key, and keys of them with record.key.key.

You can access a refered key in records briefly with record["_key"].

>> ruby_items.collect {|record| record["_key"]}
=> ["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby", "http://www.ruby-lang.org/"]

Improve the simple bookmark application

Let's try to improve this simple application a little. You can create bookmark application for multi users and they can comment to each bookmarks.

First, you add tables for users and for comments like below:


Let's add the table for users, Users.

>> Groonga::Schema.create_table("Users", :type => :hash) do |table|
?>     table.text("name")
>>   end
=> [...]

Next, let's add the table for comments as Comments.

>> Groonga::Schema.create_table("Comments") do |table|
?>     table.reference("item")
>>   table.reference("author", "Users")
>>   table.text("content")
>>   table.time("issued")
>>   end
=> [...]

Then you define the index of content column in Comments for full text search.

>> Groonga::Schema.change_table("Terms") do |table|
?>     table.index("Comments.content")
>>   end
=> [...]

You finish table definition by above code.

Secondly, you add some users to Users.

>> users = Groonga["Users"]
=> #<Groonga::Hash ...>
>> users.add("alice", :name => "Alice")
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>
>> users.add("bob", :name => "Bob")
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>

Now, let's write the process to bookmark by a user. You assume that the user, moritan, bookmark a page including infomation related Ruby.

First, you check if the page has been added Items already.

>> items.has_key?("http://www.ruby-doc.org/")
=> false

The page hasn't been added, so you add it to Items.

>> items.add("http://www.ruby-doc.org/",
?>           :title => "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language")

=> #

Next, you add the record to Comments. This record contains this page as its item column.

>> require "time"
=> true
>> comments = Groonga["Comments"]
=> #<Groonga::Array ...>
>> comments.add(:item => "http://www.ruby-doc.org/",
?>              :author => "alice",
?>              :content => "Ruby documents",
?>              :issued => Time.parse("2010-11-20T18:01:22+09:00"))
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>

Define methods for this process

For usefull, you define methods for above processes.

>> @items = items
=> #<Groonga::Hash ...>
>> @comments = comments
=> #<Groonga::Array ...>
>> def add_bookmark(url, title, author, content, issued)
>>   item = @items[url] || @items.add(url, :title => title)
>>   @comments.add(:item => item,
?>                 :author => author,
?>                 :content => content,
?>                 :issued => issued)
>>   end
=> nil

You assign items and comments to each instance variable, so you can use them in add_bookmark method.

add_bookmark executes processes like below:

  • Check if the record associated the page exists in Items table.
  • If not, add the record to it.
  • Add the record to Comments table.

With this method, lets bookmark some pages.

>> add_bookmark("https://rubygems.org/",
?>              "RubyGems.org | your community gem host", "alice", "Ruby gems",
?>              Time.parse("2010-10-07T14:18:28+09:00"))
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>
>> add_bookmark("http://ranguba.org/",
?>              "Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba", "bob",
?>              "Ruby groonga fulltextsearch",
?>              Time.parse("2010-11-11T12:39:59+09:00"))
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>
>> add_bookmark("http://www.ruby-doc.org/",
?>              "ruby-doc", "bob", "ruby documents",
?>              Time.parse("2010-07-28T20:46:23+09:00"))
=> #<Groonga::Record ...>

Full text search part 2

Let's do full text search for added records.

>> records = comments.select do |record|
?>     record["content"] =~ "Ruby"
>>   end
=> #<Groonga::Hash ...>
>> records.each do |record|
?>     comment = record
>>   p [comment.id,
?>       comment.issued,
?>       comment.item.title,
?>       comment.author.name,
?>       comment.content]
>>   end
[1, 2010-11-20 18:01:22 +0900, "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language", "Alice", "Ruby documents"]
[2, 2010-10-07 14:18:28 +0900, "RubyGems.org | your community gem host", "Alice", "Ruby gems"]
[3, 2010-11-11 12:39:59 +0900, "Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba", "Bob", "Ruby groonga fulltextsearch"]
[4, 2010-07-28 20:46:23 +0900, "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language", "Bob", "ruby documents"]

You can access the columns with the same name method as each them. These methods suport to access the complex data type. (In usually RDB, you should namage JOIN tables, Items, Comments, Users.)

The search is finished when the first sentence in this codes. The results of this search is the object as records set.

>> records
#<Groonga::Hash ..., size: <4>>

You can arrange this records set before output. For example, sort these records in the descending order by date.

>> records.sort([{:key => "issued", :order => "descending"}]).each do |record|
?>     comment = record
>>   p [comment.id,
?>       comment.issued,
?>       comment.item.title,
?>       comment.author.name,
?>       comment.content]
>>   end
[1, 2010-11-20 18:01:22 +0900, "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language", "Alice", "Ruby documents"]
[2, 2010-11-11 12:39:59 +0900, "Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba", "Bob", "Ruby groonga fulltextsearch"]
[3, 2010-10-07 14:18:28 +0900, "RubyGems.org | your community gem host", "Alice", "Ruby gems"]
[4, 2010-07-28 20:46:23 +0900, "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language", "Bob", "ruby documents"]
=> [...]

Let's group the result by each item for easy view.

>> records.group("item").each do |record|
?>     item = record.key
>>   p [record.n_sub_records,
?>       item.key,
?>       item.title]
>>   end
[2, "http://www.ruby-doc.org/", "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language"]
[1, "https://rubygems.org/", "RubyGems.org | your community gem host"]
[1, "http://ranguba.org/", "Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba"]
=> nil

n_sub_records is the number of records in each group. It is similar value as count() function of a query including "GROUP BY" in SQL.

Now, you challenge the more useful search.

You should calcurate goodness of fit of search explicitly.

You can use Items.title and Comments.content as search targets now. Items.title is the a few reliable information taken from each original pages. On the other hands, Comments.content is the less reliable information because this depends on users of bookmark application.

Then, you search records with this policy:

  • Search item matched Items.title or Comments.content.
  • Add 10 times heavier weight to socres of each record matched Items.title than ones of Comments.comment.
  • If multi comment of one item are matched keyword, specify the sum of scores of each coments as score of the item.

On this policy, you try to type below:

>> ruby_comments = @comments.select {|record| record.content =~ "Ruby"}
=> #<Groonga::Hash ..., size: <4>
>> ruby_items = @items.select do |record|
?>     target = record.match_target do |match_record|
?>       match_record.title * 10
>>     end
>>   target =~ "Ruby"
>>   end
#<Groonga::Hash ..., size: <4>>

You group the results of ruby_comments in each item and union ruby_items .

>> ruby_items = ruby_comments.group("item").union!(ruby_items)
#<Groonga::Hash ..., size: <5>>
>> ruby_items.sort([{:key => "_score", :order => "descending"}]).each do |record|
>>   p [record.score, record.title]
>> end
[22, "Ruby-Doc.org: Documenting the Ruby Language"]
[11, "Fulltext search by Ruby with groonga - Ranguba"]
[10, "Ruby Programming Language"]
[10, "Ruby"]
[1, "RubyGems.org | your community gem host"]

Then, you get the result.