
Making C++ slightly less painful.

Of all the horrid languages to ever exist, C++ has to be the most widely used. R++ aims to being a collection of command-line utilities and magical fairy dust to make all the C++ monsters go away and let you, as the awesome programmer, get to what's important.

R++ also aims to bring some kind of order to the world of C++ by following the principle of convention over configuration.

WARNING: I just started this project so functionality is super limited. You have been warned!


$ gem install rplusplus

Using it in your Rakefile

This bit of functionality exists, and it's super useful (but still in BETA):

In your Rakefile, do this:

require 'rplusplus'
env = RPlusPlus::Environment.new

Now, env has some useful properties:

* `env.objects` contains a hash of the form `'foo.o' => ['foo.cpp', 'foo.h', ...]` which you can use for creating file tasks for all your o-files.
* `env.builds` contains a hash of the form `'main' => ['main.o', 'foo.o', ...]` which you can use for file tasks for all your executables.
* `env.erbs` contains a hash of the form `'foo.cpp' => ['foo.cpp.erb']` so you can make file tasks for generating source code from embedded ruby source files.

env.objects and env.builds magically take into account any *.erb files in existence so you can just code away without any funny business.

I have used this in one of my own projects and it works like a charm, but I haven't come across any gotchas as of yet so YMMV.

How does it work?

Object-file dependencies are calculated by going through each cpp file and reading each #include and following it recursively.

The builds are discovered by finding each cpp file with a main function, and then going through each of it's dependencies to build a list of o-files to link.

The ERB dependencies are simply computed by finding each erb file and then removing the erb extention.

Ideas for the soon-to-exist command-line tool

Make a new C++ app, with a Rakefile, .gitignore, and some skeleton source files:

$ r++ new MyApp

Some other things I plan on including:

Work out the dependencies a-la g++ -MM, except in rake-friendly syntax instead of Make:

$ r++ -MM some_code.cpp

Generates a header and source file skeleton for a class:

$ r++ generate class MyClass

More Ideas

  • Have r++ act as a wrapper or superset of g++ to allow users to drop r++ straight into an existing project.
  • Add some magical C++ code generating libraries to use with ERB.
  • Make it easy for people to package their library or app or whatever into a deb or an rpm or a pkg or a whatever using a config file called a "libspec" or something (a-la "gemspec").
  • On that note, make it easy for people to publish to a package repository (apt, yum, aur, etc).


This has absolutely nothing to do with Bell labs R++.

I want you to help make R++ better for everyone.

The easiest way to contribute is to try this thing out and submit an issue when it breaks.

Otherwise if you want to help me implement a super awesome idea then pull requests are easy, fun, and beneficial to all of society:

  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/rplusplus/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request