
Ruby on Rails app monitoring: performances & quality insights for rails developers.


First you need an API key. Signup here to get one and a 14 day free trial.

  1. Add in your Gemfile gem "rorvswild"
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run rorvswild-setup API_KEY
  4. Restart / deploy your app !

The rorvswild-setup create a config/rorvswild.yml file. For those who prefer to manually use an initializer, they can do the following.

# config/initializers/rorvswild.rb
RorVsWild.start(api_key: API_KEY)

Measure any code

You can measure any code like this (useful to monitor cronjobs):


Or like that:

RorVsWild.measure_block("A great job name") { User.all.do_something_great }

Then it will appears in the jobs page.

Note that Calling measure_code or measure_block inside or a request or a job will add a section. That is convenient to profile finely parts of your code.

Send errors manually

When you already have a begin / rescue block, this manner suits well:

  # Your code ...
rescue => exception

If you prefer to be concise, just run the code from a block:

RorVsWild.catch_error { 1 / 0 }  # => #<ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0>

Moreover, you can provide extra details when capturing errors:

RorVsWild.record_error(exception, {something: "important"})
RorVsWild.catch_error(something: "important") { 1 / 0 }

Ignore exceptions

By using the ignored_exceptions parameter you can prevent RorVsWild from recording specific exceptions.

# config/rorvswild.yml
  api_key: API_KEY
    - ActionController::RoutingError
    - ZeroDivisionError
# config/initializers/rorvswild.rb
  api_key: "API_KEY",
  ignored_exceptions: ["ActionController::RoutingError", "ZeroDivisionError"])

By default ActionController::RoutingError is ignored in order to not be flooded with 404.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/rorvswild/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request