
A Grape service that expose rollout gem via RESTful endpoints

This service expose RESTfull endpoints that allows you to perform CRUD operation on rollout gem.

This service works great with Rollout-Dashboard - a beautiful user interface for rollout gem)

End-Points Documentation:

Description END POINT
Get all features GET /api/v1/features
Get specific feature by name GET /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Get specific feature by name GET /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Check if feature is active GET /api/v1/features/:feature_name/:user_id/active
Create a new feature POST /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Partially update existing feature PATCH /api/v1/features/:feature_name
Delete a feature DELETE /api/v1/features/:feature_name


How to set redis configuration?

Edit ./config/redis.yml

How to start the service?

run bundle exec rackup -p :port