Roku Toolkit

A simple set of Roku development tools to ease and simplify deployment. Tested on OSX and Linux, should work on Windows.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'roku'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install roku


In order to use the Roku Toolkit, you must first initialize a roku.yml file. You have two options for placement of the roku.yml file.

This method is recommended if you only have one Roku project because it will allow you to run the roku command from any directory, including sub directories and from paths outside of your project root.

File location:

  • Unix/OSX: ~/roku.yml or /Users/<username>/roku.yml
  • Windows XP: <root>\Documents and Settings\<username>
  • Windows Vista and Up: <root>\Users\<username>\roku.yml

Example File:

ip          : ""
username    : "rokudev"
password    : "1234"
directory   : "/Users/exampleuser/code/brightscript/example_project"

Note: It is important to note the additional directory key that is required for Global Configuration so that the Roku Toolkit may know where your project lives.

This method is recommended for multiple Roku projects because it allows for per-directory based configuration files. The downside to this method is that you must ensure you run the roku command from the project root where your roku.yml file is located.

File Location:

  • File location should be the root of your project. (ie: ~/code/brightscript/example_project/roku.yml)

Example File:

ip          : ""
username    : "rokudev"
password    : "1234"

Build Output

By default builds will output to a temporary directory. You may specify the build output in the roku.yml configuration file with the key output.

Example File:

ip          : ""
username    : "rokudev"
password    : "1234"
directory   : "/Users/exampleuser/code/brightscript/example_project"
output      : "/Users/exampleuser/code/brightscript/example_project/builds/"

Note: You may use Time conversion specifications in the output name.

output      : "/Users/exampleuser/code/brightscript/example_project/builds/"
# Translates into "/Users/exampleuser/code/brightscript/example_project/builds/"


Depending on your configuration (see above), simply run roku from your command line to build and deploy your project to your Roku development box.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request