= RODS - Ruby Open Document Spreadsheet
This class provides a convenient interface for reading and writing 
spreadsheets conforming to Open Document Format v1.1. with Ruby 1.9.1 and 1.8.7..
Installiation of an office-application (LibreOffice, OpenOffice.org) is not required as the code directly 
manipulates the XML-files in the zipped *.ods-container.

On my website http://ruby.homelinux.com/ruby/rods/ you can see the output of the script below.
You can contact me at rodsdotrubyatonlinedotde (and drop me a line, if you like it ;-).


= Copyright
Copyright (c) <em>Dr. Heinz Breinlinger</em> (2011).
Licensed under the same terms as Ruby. No warranty is provided.

= Changelog
* 0.6.1
  * added new functions
    * insertTableBefore()
    * insertTableAfter()
* 0.6.0
  * changed interface from
    * getNextRow, getPreviousRow, getNextCell, getPreviousCell to
    * getNextExistentRow, getPreviousExistentRow, getNextExistentCell, getPreviousExistentCell
  See explanation below
* 0.5.1 
  * made readCellFromRow() more user-friendly by returning defaults for text and type where 
    till recently error-messages were thrown due to missing values
* 0.5.0
  * new performance-boosters for reading lots of rows (cf. chapter and second example-script below)
    * getNextRow, getPreviousRow, getNextCell, getPreviousCell
* 0.1.1 
  * Bug-Fix: readCellFromRow() did not return value in some cases
* 0.1.0 
  * improved support for compound-formulas 
  * logging set as default

= Disclaimer
At the time of this publishing and stage of development RODS just suits my personal needs
* to provide an intuitively to use, purpose oriented interface for
* automating most of the tasks I personally encountered so far.

The code has not been tested on a wide variety of systems, languages or use cases yet. 
At the time of this writing the script 'example.rb' provided in commented version below proved to work for
* Linux
  * Ubuntu 10.10 64-Bit (German)
  * OpenOffice.org 3.2 (German)
  * Ruby 1.9.1 and 1.8.7
* Mac
  * OS X 10.6 (German)
  * OpenOffice.org 3.2 (German)
  * Ruby 1.8.7 (1.9.1 not tried)
* Windows 
  * WinXP 32-Bit (German)
  * OpenOffice.org 3.0 (German)
  * Ruby 1.9.1 and 1.8.7

= What you must know
When you open a (new) spreadsheet in an application like OpenOffice.org, you'll see an infinity of empty cells and
might be tempted to assume that all these cells actually "exist" in the underlying file format/XML-structure.
This is not the case ! A "newly born" spreadsheet does not contain even a single cell ! They're created on demand along
with all other cells of lesser x- or y-coordinate.
That is: If you write a cell with coordinates (10,10) all cells from (1,1) to (10,10)
spring into existence or vice versa: If the cell farthest down the sheet and farthest to the right
having a visible value has coordinates (90,87), then all cells from row 1-90 and column 1-87 exist, 
but no cell out of this virutal rectangle is "alive".
This is very important for using the interface appropriately: All routines matching 'Existent' merely return "living"
cells, while all other routines bearing a "get|Get" create a row or cell if necessary (and implicitly all other cells
within the new boundaries).
In other words: Use
* getNextExistentRow, getPreviousExistentRow, getNextExistentCell, getPreviousExistentCell
  whenever you just want to read values you already have (seemlessly skipping visibly emtpy lines and columns) and
* getCell, writeGetCell and writeGetCellFromRow whenever you want a cell to be created if it does not exist (which
  is undoubtedly the case, when you want to write to it or assign it a style) !
The first return nil, if an element does not exist yet, the second always return the desired element.

= Howto
  $ sudo gem install rods (root-privileges necessary)

  # coding: UTF-8
  # Author: Dr. Heinz Breinlinger
  require 'rubygems'
  require 'rods'
  # Open a spreadsheet in the working directory.
  # If the file is elsewhere, prepend the path according to your 
  # operating systems notation, e.g. "/home/heinz/myfile.ods".
  mySheet=Rods.new("Template.ods") # empty or prefilled sheet
  # Rename, insert and delete some tables
  mySheet.renameTable("Tabelle1","not needed") 
  # Very important: tell RODS, what table you want to work with subsequently, 
  # if the table is not the first in the spreadsheet.
  # Fill the sheet with values. All values are strings at the 
  # user-level and are accompanied by a type-token.
  # The type affects the internal representation and the style of
  # the corresponding cell.
  # When the type is a formula, the resulting type is appended.
  # Valid types are
  #  "string","time","date","float","percent","currency","formula",
  #  "formula:float","formula:time","formula:date","formula:currency".
  # Alter the data-style for the following 2 date-values.
  # Data-styles affect, how values are displayed, i.e. their "meaning".
  # Within that "meaning" styles (not data-styles !) affect the look
  # (color, indentation, 'italic', etc.)
  # Data-styles are predefined by RODS and (so far) unique for every type.
  # Only date-values have 2 different data-styles implemented.
  mySheet.setDateFormat("myDateDay")  # "05.01.2011" -> "Mi" (if German)
  # Add 2 formulas with date-values as results.
  # Reset the data-style for date-values
  mySheet.setDateFormat("myDate")     # back to "DD.MM.YYYY"
  # Continue with 2 time-values
  # Write 2 currency-values
  # Insert a formula for the time-difference
  # Set a border, center the text, change background- and font-color.
  mySheet.setAttributes(cell,{ "border" => "0.01cm solid turquoise",
                               "text-align" => "center",           
                               "background-color" => "yellow2",   
                               "color" => "blue"})               
  # Inset a formula for the sum of the above currency-values
  # Apply different borders and display the font as italic and bold.
  mySheet.setAttributes(cell,{ "border-right" => "0.05cm solid magenta4",
                               "border-bottom" => "0.03cm solid lightgreen",
                               "border-top" => "0.08cm solid salmon",
                               "font-style" => "italic",
                               "font-weight" => "bold"})
  # Create a new style for percent-values and apply it to a new
  # percent-value.
  # Be aware that a valid data-style is chosen ("myPercentFormat"
  # is RODS' default-data-style for percent-values.)
  mySheet.writeStyleAbbr({"name" => "myNewPercentStyle",        
                          "margin-left" => "0.3cm",
                          "text-align" => "start",
                          "color" => "blue",
                          "border" => "0.01cm solid black",
                          "font-style" => "italic",
                          "data-style-name" => "myPercentFormat", # <- data-style !
                          "font-weight" => "bold"})
  # Add a comment-field, change the font-color and font-style.
  mySheet.writeComment(cell,"by Dr. Heinz Breinlinger")
  mySheet.setAttributes(cell,{ "color" => "lightmagenta",
                               "font-style" => "italic"})
  # Insert a formula for the percentage of a currency-value.
  # Change some attributes of the cell.
  mySheet.setAttributes(cell,{ "color" => "turquoise7",
                               "text-align" => "center",
                               "font-style" => "bold"})
  # Create a new style and apply it to 2 new text-values.
  mySheet.writeStyleAbbr({"name" => "myBold",
                         "text-align" => "end",
                         "font-weight" => "bold",
                         "background-color" => "purple"})
  # Insert a text with an annotation.
  mySheet.writeComment(cell,"C3,C4,D3,D4 are formulas")
  # Draw a long green vertical line to frame what we created.
  1.upto(7){ |row|
    mySheet.setAttributes(cell,{ "border-right" => "0.07cm solid green6" }) 
  # Complete it with a red horicontal line right across.
  1.upto(5){ |col|
    mySheet.setAttributes(cell,{ "border-bottom" => "0.085cm solid red5" }) # 
  # Read and calculate 2 currency-values.
  1.upto(2){ |i|
    if(type == "currency")
  # Delete the table we do not need.
  mySheet.deleteTable("not needed")
  # Save the sheet under a different name (if you don not want to
  # override the original).
  # Print the result of the former computation.
  puts("Sums up to: #{amount}")  # -> "Sums up to: 12.21"
  # Open the file we wrote in the previous step again.
  # Set the current table for subsequent operations.
  # This is not necessary here as the table of interest is the 
  # first in the spreadsheet and automatically becomes the default-table.
  # Read a currency-value from the sheet and print it.
  # Remember that all values are passed to and from the spreadsheet
  # as strings which get their meaning by the accompanying types.
  if(text && type)
    if(type == "currency")
      puts("not so much: #{text} bucks") # -> "not so much: -7.78 bucks"

= Caveat

The XML-structure of a <file>.ods is 
* first rows 
* then cells

As a result

  1.upto(500){ |i|
    text1,type1=readCell(i,3)  # XML-Parser starts from the top-node 
    text2,type2=readCell(i,4)  # XML-Parser starts form the top-node
    puts("Read #{text1} of #{type1} and #{text2} of #{type2}")

is significantly slower than the slight variation

  1.upto(500){ |i|
    row=getRow(i)                      # XML-Parser starts from top-node
    text1,type1=readCellFromRow(row,3) # XML-Parser continues from row-node
    text2,type2=readCellFromRow(row,4) # XML-Parser continues from row-node
    puts("Read #{text1} of #{type1} and #{text2} of #{type2}

This difference hardly matters while dealing with small documents, but degrades performance significantly when you 
move up or down a sheet with a lot of rows and process several cells on the same row !

Provided you just want to read exisiting cells (cf. explanation above), the following is a real speed-buster.

  # coding: UTF-8
  # Author: Dr. Heinz Breinlinger
  require 'rubygems'
  require 'rods'

  # The routines
  # - getNextExistentRow(row)
  # - getPreviousExistentRow(row)
  # - getNextExistentCell(cell)
  # - getPreviousExistentCell(cell)
  # allow the XML-Parser to just continue from the "adjacent" node and 
  # return the previsous/next element without having to start from the top-node 
  # of the document over and over again !
    next if (! confirmed || confirmed.empty?())
    next if (! account || account.empty?())
    next if (! transfer || transfer.empty?())
    if(confirmed.match(/x/i) && account.match(/Hauskonto/))
      puts("#{i}: --> #{transfer} €")
  puts("Sum: #{sum}")

On the ATOM-Nettop I developed the gem, even the first script above took just 2-3 seconds and on my Core-i7-Notebook it was finished so quickly
that I supposed it had halted on an immediate error, so: don't be concerned and just experiment :-).

= Standards
* Open Document Format for Office Applications (Open Document) v1.1 based on OpenOffice.org (OOo)
  * http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/#opendocumentv1.1
    * Hint: Download the pdf-version. Reading the html-version online was to slow at least 
      on my attempts.
* W3C Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0 (W3C Recommendation 15 October 2001)
  * http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xsl-20011015/