rocketjobBuild Status

High volume, priority based, background job processing solution for Ruby.


Beta - Feedback on the API is welcome. API may change.

Already in use in production internally processing large files with millions of records, as well as large jobs to walk though large databases.


We have tried for years to make both resque and more recently sidekiq work for large high performance batch processing. Even sidekiq-pro was purchased and used in an attempt to process large batches.

Unfortunately, after all the pain and suffering with the existing asynchronous worker solutions none of them have worked in our production environment without significant hand-holding and constant support. Mysteriously the odd record/job was disappearing when processing 100's of millions of jobs with no indication where those lost jobs went.

In our environment we cannot lose even a single job or record, as all data is business critical. The existing batch processing solution do not supply any way to collect the output from batch processing and as a result every job has custom code to collect it's output. rocketjob has built in support to collect the results of any batch job.

High availability and high throughput were being limited by how much we could get through redis. Being a single-threaded process it is constrained to a single CPU. Putting redis on a large multi-core box does not help since it will not use more than one CPU at a time. Additionally, redis is constrained to the amount of physical memory is available on the server. redis worked very well when processing was below around 100,000 jobs a day, when our workload suddenly increased to over 100,000,000 a day it could not keep up. Its single CPU would often hit 100% CPU utilization when running many sidekiq-pro servers. We also had to store actual job data in a separate MySQL database since it would not fit in memory on the redis server.

rocketjob was created out of necessity due to constant support. End-users were constantly contacting the development team to ask on the status of "hung" or "in-complete" jobs, as part of our DevOps role.

Another significant production support challenge is trying to get resque or sidekiq to process the batch jobs in a very specific order. Switching from queue-based to priority-based job processing means that all jobs are processed in the order of their priority and not what queues are defined on what servers and in what quantity. This approach has allowed us to significantly increase the CPU and IO utilization across all worker machines. The traditional queue based approach required constant tweaking in the production environment to try and balance workload without overwhelming any one server.

End-users are now able to modify the priority of their various jobs at runtime so that they can get that business critical job out first, instead of having to wait for other jobs of the same type/priority to finish first.

Since rocketjob uploads the entire file, or all data for processing it does not require jobs to store the data in other databases. Additionally, rocketjob supports encryption and compression of any data uploaded into Sliced Jobs to ensure PCI compliance and to prevent sensitive from being exposed either at rest in the data store, or in flight as it is being read or written to the backend data store. Often large files received for processing contain sensitive data that must not be exposed in the backend job store. Having this capability built-in ensures all our jobs are properly securing sensitive data.

Since moving to rocketjob our production support has diminished and now we can focus on writing code again. :)


rocketjob is a global "priority based queue" ( All jobs are placed in a single global queue and the job with the highest priority is processed first. Jobs with the same priority are processed on a first-in first-out (FIFO) basis.

This differs from the traditional approach of separate queues for jobs which quickly becomes cumbersome when there are for example over a hundred different types of jobs.

The global priority based queue ensures that the workers are utilized to their capacity without requiring constant manual intervention.

rocketjob is designed to handle hundreds of millions of concurrent jobs that are often encountered in high volume batch processing environments. It is designed from the ground up to support large batch file processing. For example a single file that contains millions of records to be processed as quickly as possible without impacting other jobs with a higher priority.


The companion project rocketjob mission control contains the Rails Engine that can be loaded into your Rails project to add a web interface for viewing and managing rocketjob jobs.

rocketjob mission control can also be run stand-alone in a shell Rails application.

By separating rocketjob mission control into a separate gem means it does not have to be loaded where rocketjob jobs are defined or run.


Simple single task jobs:

Example job to run in a separate worker process

class MyJob < RocketJob::Job
  # Method to call asynchronously by the worker
  def perform(email_address, message)
    # For example send an email to the supplied address with the supplied message
    send_email(email_address, message)

To queue the above job for processing:

MyJob.perform_later('[email protected]', 'lets meet')

Directory Monitoring

A common task with many batch processing systems is to look for the appearance of new files and kick off jobs to process them. DirmonJob is a job designed to do this task.

DirmonJob runs every 5 minutes by default, looking for new files that have appeared based on configured entries called DirmonEntry. Ultimately these entries will be configurable via rocketjob_mission_control, the web management interface for rocketjob.

Example, creating a DirmonEntry
  path:         'path_to_monitor/*',
  job:          'Jobs::TestJob',
  arguments:    [ { input: 'yes' } ],
  properties:   { priority: 23, perform_method: :event },
  archive_directory: '/exports/archive'

The attributes of DirmonEntry:

  • path

Wildcard path to search for files in. For details on valid path values, see:


* input_files/process1/*.csv*
* input_files/process2/**/*
  • job

Name of the job to start

  • arguments

Any user supplied arguments for the method invocation All keys must be UTF-8 strings. The values can be any valid BSON type:

* Integer
* Float
* Time    (UTC)
* String  (UTF-8)
* Array
* Hash
* True
* False
* Symbol
* nil
* Regular Expression

Note: Date is not supported, convert it to a UTC time

  • properties

Any job properties to set.

Example, override the default job priority:

{ priority: 45 }
  • archive_directory

Archive directory to move the file to before the job is started. It is important to move the file before it is processed so that it is not picked up again for processing. If no archive_directory is supplied the file will be moved to a folder called '_archive' in the same folder as the file itself.

If the path above is a relative path the relative path structure will be maintained when the file is moved to the archive path.

  • enabled

Allow a monitoring entry to be disabled so that it is ignored by DirmonJob. This feature is useful for operations to temporarily stop processing files from a particular source, without having to completely delete the DirmonEntry. It can also be used to create a DirmonEntry without it becoming immediately active.

### Starting the directory monitor

The directory monitor job only needs to be started once per installation by running
the following code:


The polling interval to check for new files can be modified when starting the job for the first time by adding:

RocketJob::Jobs::DirmonJob.perform_later do |job|
  job.check_seconds = 180

The default priority for DirmonJob is 40, to increase it's priority:

RocketJob::Jobs::DirmonJob.perform_later do |job|
  job.check_seconds = 300
  job.priority      = 25

Once DirmonJob has been started it's priority and check interval can be changed at any time as follows:

RocketJob::Jobs::DirmonJob.first.set(check_seconds: 180, priority: 20)

The DirmonJob will automatically re-schedule a new instance of itself to run in the future after it completes a each scan/run. If successful the current job instance will destroy itself.

In this way it avoids having a single Directory Monitor process that constantly sits there monitoring folders for changes. More importantly it avoids a "single point of failure" that is typical for earlier directory monitoring solutions. Every time DirmonJob runs and scans the paths for new files it could be running on a new worker. If any server/worker is removed or shutdown it will not stop DirmonJob since it will just run on another worker instance.

There can only be one DirmonJob instance queued or running at a time. Any attempt to start a second instance will result in an exception.

If an exception occurs while running DirmonJob, a failed job instance will remain in the job list for problem determination. The failed job cannot be restarted and should be destroyed if no longer needed.

Rails Configuration

MongoMapper will already configure itself in Rails environments. rocketjob can be configured to use a separate MongoDB instance from the Rails application as follows:

For example, we may want RocketJob::Job to be stored in a Mongo Database that is replicated across data centers, whereas we may not want to replicate the RocketJob::SlicedJob** slices due to it's sheer volume.

config.before_initialize do
  # Share the common mongo configuration file
  config_file = root.join('config', 'mongo.yml')
  if config_file.file?
    config = YAML.load(
    if config["#{Rails.env}_rocketjob]
      options = (config['options']||{}).symbolize_keys
      options[:logger] ='Mongo:rocketjob')
      RocketJob::Config.mongo_connection = Mongo::MongoClient.from_uri(config['uri'], options)
    # It is also possible to store the jobs themselves in a separate MongoDB database
    if config["#{Rails.env}_rocketjob_work]
      options = (config['options']||{}).symbolize_keys
      options[:logger] ='Mongo:rocketjob_work')
      RocketJob::Config.mongo_work_connection = Mongo::MongoClient.from_uri(config['uri'], options)
    puts "\nmongo.yml config file not found: #{config_file}"

For an example config file, config/mongo.yml, see mongo.yml

Standalone Configuration

When running rocketjob in a standalone environment without Rails, the MongoDB connections will need to be setup as follows:

options = {
  pool_size:    50,
  pool_timeout: 5,

# For example when using a replica-set for high availability
uri = 'mongodb://,'
RocketJob::Config.mongo_connection = Mongo::MongoClient.from_uri(uri, options)

# Use a separate database, or even server for `RocketJob::SlicedJob` slices
uri = 'mongodb://,'
RocketJob::Config.mongo_work_connection = Mongo::MongoClient.from_uri(uri, options)


MongoDB V2.6 or greater. V3 is recommended

  • V2.6 includes a feature to allow lookups using the $or clause to use an index


This project uses Semantic Versioning.


Reid Morrison :: @reidmorrison
