Ruby Ncurses Development Kit (RNDK)

Gem Version

rndk aims to be a powerful, well-documented and easy-to-use Ncurses Development Kit in Ruby. Besides abstracting away Ncurses' details, it provides some widgets for rapid console app development.

It means that you'll be able to master the dark arts of text-based applications, easily creating nice apps for the console.

RNDK is a fork from tawny-cdk, a Chris Sauro Ruby port of Thomas Dickey's Curses Development Kit (in C).

Here's the list of currently implemented widgets:

Widget Description Has examples?
Alphalist Scrolling list of alphabetically sorted words not yet
Button Message attached to a callback not yet
Buttonbox Labeled set of buttons not yet
Calendar Pop-up traversable calendar yes!
Dialog Dialog box with a message and some buttons not yet
Entry Text-entry box with a label yes!
File Selector Interact graphically with the file system not yet
Graph Plots a graph with x/y coordinates not yet
Histogram Vertical/horizontal histogram not yet
Item List Select from a preset item list not yet
Label Pop-up label window yes!
Matrix Matrix widget not yet
Marquee Movable text not yet
Menu Pull-down menu list not yet
Multiple Line Entry Multiple-line entry box with a label not yet
Radio List Radio item list not yet
Scale Draggable scale box with a label not yet
Scrolling List Scrolling item list yes!
Scrolling Window Display scrollable long messages not yet
Selection List Selection list widget not yet
Slider Visual slider box yes!
Template Insert info on a field with a pre-set format not yet
Viewer View contents of a file on a scrollable box not yet

The ones with examples (on the root examples directory) are ready to use. The others are kinda unstable, since the API is being completely rewritten. Also, click here for screenshots!


This is a very unstable Work-in-Progress library. I'm currently reviewing tawny-cdk's API, so a lot of things are changing real fast.

Be sure to know that whenever I remove this notice, things will be nicer. For now, I recommend you to not use rndk for production programs!


rndk requires the gem ffi-ncurses.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rndk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rndk


Take a look at the Wiki! There's some tutorials and resources there.

The examples directory contains lots of sample usages for every widget available. To execute them, go to the rndk root folder and run:

ruby -Ilib examples/YOUR_EXAMPLE_HERE

There's also some more complex demo applications under the demos directory. Do the same:

ruby -Ilib demos/YOUR_DEMO_HERE


Any help would be largely appreciated! For a list of things to do, see the TODO file.

Currently rndk has a C-like API, since it was directly taken from cdk. The top priority is to make it more rubyish.

I'm getting inspiration from rbcurse and some non-ruby Widget sets.

Step-by-step guide to contribute:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Hi, I'm Alexandre Dantas! Thanks for having interest in this project. Please take the time to visit any of the links below.