
Solve template dispatch on ajax request

<img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/jalkoby/rjax.png” /> <img src=“https://travis-ci.org/jalkoby/rjax.png?branch=master” alt=“Build Status” /> <img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/rjax.png” alt=“Gem Version” />


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'rjax'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rjax


Rjax will be useful if you have a lot actions which serve http and ajax requests. It might looks like:

def index
  @users = User.all
  render :partials => 'users', :locals => { :users => @users }  if request.xhr?
  # or
  render :index_ajax if request.xhr?

Rjax adds ‘rjax` methods in rails controllers.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @users = User.all
  # calling rjax method without arguments will render template;
  # the name of template will contain action_name and wrapper;
  # in this case expected `index_rjax` template;

  def index
    @users = User.all
    rjax @users
  # calling rjax method is similar to view helper render %collection%;
  # the only different is also looks for partial with wrapped name;
  # in this case it will look for partial `_user_rjax` or `_user` and pass variable `user`;

  def index
    @users = User.all
    rjax :users => @users, :other => :variable
  # calling rjax method with Hash will render partial with locals specified in hash;
  # the name of partial might be specified in :partial key;
  # if :partial key is missed expected that view folder contains partial with plural form of controller with or without wrapper;
  # in this case it will be `_users_rjax` or `_users` partial

  def show
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    rjax @user
  # in other cases rjax will render partial and pass this variable into partial;
  # the name of partial will be singular form of controller with or without wrapper;
  # in this case it will be `_user_rjax` or `_user` partial

  # it also support respond_with
  def index
    respond_with do |format|
      format.html { rjax }
      format.json { rjax }
      format.xml  { rjax }

If you don’t like rjax default wrapper you can configure it:

# config/initializers/rjax.rb
Rjax.config do |config|
  config.suffix = "suffix"
  config.prefix = "prefix"




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