
Welcome to your new gem! In this directory, you'll find the files you need to be able to package up your Ruby library into a gem. Put your Ruby code in the file lib/rito_api. To experiment with that code, run bin/console for an interactive prompt.

TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rito_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rito_api


Create a client. You can declare whether to cache it or not. Caching is consider more productive. *Only supports Redis caching so you need to run redis server before declaring cache as true.

client = RitoApi::Client(api_key, region, true, 180) # client = RitoApi:Client(api_key, region, cache[true or false], ttl[time till expiration in seconds]). 
# By default caching is set to false.

There are 5 kinds of public readable request formats. summoner, champion, item, match, challenger


challengers = client.challenger.solo_queue(count, ttl) # Yes you can modify ttl for every method to overwrite the initial ttl.
# Count will give back that number of results from the 200 challenger result. If you put down name or number <= 0 and > 200 it will return all 200 results.
top5chalengers = client.challengers.solo_queue(5, 3600) # This will give you top 5 challengers and save the challengers in the cache for 60 minutes.


    #find(IGN) => Find the summoner for given IGN.
    mySummoner = client.summoner.find('rockerturner') # you can pass ttl as second argument but by default it will use the initialized ttl which is 180 here.

    #rank_info => returns rank information for given IGN. if not ranked on any queue; should return nil or {}.
    myRank = client.summoner.rank_info('rockerturner') 

    #solo, flex, tt => will use rank_info to get queried rank.
    mySoloRank = client.summoner.solo('rockerturner')
    myFlexRank = client.summoner.flex('rockerturner')
    myTwistedTreeRank = client.summoner.tt('rockerturner')

    #recent_matches => returns 20 recent matches fragment data of given IGN.
    myRecentMatches => client.summoner.recent_matches('rockerturner')

    #top_positions => return 2 top position played by the summoner in last 20 matches of given IGN.
    myTopPositions = client.summoner.top_positions('rockerturner')

    #champion_mastery => returns all the champion mastery for given ign with mastery level and points. You can pass in second argument of count to get top count mastery.
    myTop3Masteries = client.summoner.champion_mastery('rockerturner', 3)

    #icon => return icon link of the given iconID.
    myIcon = client.summoner.icon(iconId) # You can get iconID from metadata of find(ign).
    rockerturner_icon = client.summoner.icon(mySummoner[:profileIconId]) #mySummoner was defined earlier.


#Champion calls are relatively easy.

#get_name => gets the name of given champion ID.
championName = client.champion.get_name('43') # Returns Karma. 

#Lets make real use of this.

myTop3Masteries.each do |champion|
    puts client.champion.get_name(champion[:championId]) #This is print out the name of myTop3Masteries champions.

#icon => gets the icon link for the given champion.

vayneIcon = client.champion.icon('Vayne') #casesensitive. wukong is MonkeyKing

#points => just gives K or M depending on the points sent in. 

myPoints = client.champion.points(500000) # Will return 500K

#Lets make real use of this.

myTop3Masteries.each do |champion|
    puts "#{client.champion.get_name(champion[:championId])} = #{client.champion.points(champion[:championPoints])}" 
    #This is print out the name = masteryPoints of myTop3Masteries champions.


#get => gets match information.
myMatch = client.matches.get(matchId) # You can get a matchID from summoner.recent_matches.
rockerturnerMatch = client.matches.get(2769842762) # This is one of my matches. We will be using it as an example for rest of the methods.

#get_bans => gets all the banned championId. Separated into 2 arrays for blue and red team.
rockerturnerMatchBans = client.matches.get_bans(2769842762)

#get_players => gets all the players in the match with their ign and id and iconId etcetera.
rockerturnerMatchPlayers = client.matches.get_players(2769842762)

#stats => gets the stats of the game.
rockerturnerMatchStats = client.matches.stats(2769842762)

#player_stats => returns players stats playing certain champion.
#I played karma this game and champion ID for karma is 43. you can find champID in meta data of get_players.
rockerturnerStats = client.matches.player_stats(2769842762, 43)

#player_identities => returns the player identity from the participant ID which can be obtained from get_players or stats or player_stats.
#My participantId this game was 2.
rockerturnerIdentities = client.matches.player_identities(2769842762, 2)


#get_icon => returns link for given item id.
ardentIcon = client.item.get_icon(3504)

flashIcon = client.item.spells_icon(4)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/rito_api. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the RitoApi project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.