RingCentral RSS

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Ruby library to create XML syndication feeds for RingCentral message-store REST API responses.

This library was originally created in response to a question on archiving RingCentral SMS data using Smarsh via a RSS feed.


gem install ringcentral-rss

While ringcentral_sdk isn't strictly required for this SDK, it does build feeds based on the Faraday::Response objects returned by the SDK.


require 'ringcentral-rss'
require 'ringcentral_sdk'

client = RingCentralSdk.new [...]
client.authorize [...]

res = client.http.get do |req|
  req.url 'account/~/extension/~/message-store'
  req.params['direction'] = 'Outbound'
  req.params['messageType'] = 'SMS'

rc_feed = RingCentral::RSS::AtomFeed.new res
xml = rc_feed.to_xml

xml = RingCentral::RSS::AtomFeed.new(res).to_xml

Demo Scripts

Demo scripts are located in the scripts directory of the GitHub repo. The following demos are included:

  • CLI script to retrieve message-store endpoint and print out XML
  • Sinatra web service to display XML proof of concept for protected services (no included auth)


The genesis of this is the requirement to have RingCentral SMS messages available via a RSS feed. There are 3 ways to accomplish this:

  1. Have a proxy feed that always retrieves the message-store API response and converts it to RSS
  2. Have a script that subscribes to the message-store eventFilter and publishes to a remote feed
  3. Have a script that polls the message-store API and publishes to a remote feed

The library code will convert RingCentral message-store API response and message objects into an XML feed. The included Sinatra web service will host this as a proxy feed (option #1 above).

Change Log


Project Repo

RingCentral API Docs

RingCentral Official SDKs


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/ringcentral-ruby/ringcentral-rss/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


RingCentral RSS is available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.md for details.

RingCentral RSS © 2016 by John Wang