RightSignature API

This gem is a wrapper to RightSignature's API for both OAuth authentication and Token authentication


After getting an API key from RightSignature, you can use the Secure Token or generate an Access Token with the OAuth key and secret using RightSignature::load_configuration.

Using Token authentication
RightSignature::load_configuration(:api_token => YOUR_TOKEN)
Using OAuth authentication
RightSignature::load_configuration(:consumer_key => "Consumer123", :consumer_secret => "Secret098", :access_token => "AccessToken098", :access_secret => "AccessSecret123")

Note: if the both OAuth credentials and api_token are set, the default action is to use Token Authentication.

After loading the configuration, you can use wrappers in RightSignature::Document or RightSignature::Template to call the API. Or use RightSignature::Connection for a more custom call.


API calls involving documents are wrapped in the RightSignature::Document class.

Listing Document

For showing all documents


For showing page 1 of completed and trashed documents, with 20 per page, matching search term 'me', with tag "single_tag" and tag "key" with value of "with_value"

options = {
  :state => ['completed', 'trashed'],
  :page => 1,
  :per_page => 20,
  :search => "me",
  :tags => ["single_tag", "key" => "with_value"]

Optional Options:

  • page: page number
  • per_page: number of documents to return per page. API only supports 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50. Default is 10.
  • tags: filter documents with given tags. Tags are an array of strings (single tag) and hashes (tag_name => tag_value). Ex. ["single_tag",=> "tag_value"] would filter documents with 'single_tag' and the name/value of 'tag_key' with value 'tag_value'.
  • search: filter documents with given term.
  • state: An array of document states to filter documents by. API supports 'pending', 'completed', 'trash', and 'pending'.
  • sort: sort documents by given attribute. API supports 'created', 'completed', and 'activity'
  • range: return documents with a certain date range. API only supports 'today', 'thisweek', 'thismonth', 'alltime', or a Date
  • recipient_email: filter document where it has a recipient with given email and involves the current OAuth user.
  • account: include all documents in current account if true. Should be true or false Only available for account admins and owners.
Document Details
Document Details for Multiple documents
  • guids: Array of document GUIDs
Send Reminder
Trash Document
Extend Expiration of Document by 7 days
Replace Tags on Document
tags=['sent_from_api', {'user_id' => '12345'}]
RightSignature::Document.update_tags(guid, tags)
  • guid
  • tags: An array of 'tag_name' or => 'tag_value'
Sending New Documents

From file:

recipients = [
  {:name => "RightSignature", :email => "[email protected]", :role => 'cc'},
  {:name => "John Bellingham", :email => "[email protected]", :role => 'signer'},
  {'is_sender' => true, :role => 'signer'}
  :tags => [{:tag => {:name => 'sent_from_api'}}, {:tag => {:name => 'user_id', :value => '12345'}}],
  :expires_in => '5 days',
  :action => "redirect",
  'callback_location' => "http://example.com/doc_callback",
  'use_text_tags' => false

RightSignature::Document.send_document_from_file("here/is/myfile.pdf", 'My Subject', recipients, options)


RightSignature::Document.send_document_from_file(File.open("here/is/myfile.pdf", 'r'), 'My Subject', recipients)
  • subject: Document subject
  • recipients: Recipients of the document, should be an array of hashes with :name, :email, and :role ('cc' or 'signer'). An optional :is_sender => true can be used to reference the API User and won't need to supply :name and :email. Ex. => true, :role => "cc"
  • Optional options:
    • description: document description that'll appear in the email
    • action: 'send' or 'redirect'. Redirect will prefill the document and generate a redirect token that can be used on for someone to send document under API user's account.
    • expires_in: number of days before expiring the document. API only allows 2,5,15, or 30.
    • tags: document tags, an array of string or hashes 'single_tag' (for simple tag) or => 'tag_value' (for tuples pairs) Ex. ['sent_from_api', => "32"]
    • callback_url: A URI encoded URL that specifies the location for API to POST a callback notification to when the document has been created and signed. Ex. "http://yoursite/callback"
    • use_text_tags: Parse document for special Text Tags. true or false. More info: https://rightsignature.com/apidocs/text_tags

From raw data:

recipients = [
  {:name => "RightSignature", :email => "[email protected]", :role => 'cc'},
  {:name => "John Bellingham", :email => "[email protected]", :role => 'signer'},
  {'is_sender' => true, :role => 'signer'}
raw_data = File.read("here/is/myfile.pdf")
filename = "Desired Filename.pdf"
RightSignature::Document.send_document_from_file(raw_data, filename, 'My Subject', recipients)


API calls involving documents are wrapped in the RightSignature::Template class.

Listing Templates

Optional Options:

  • page: page number
  • per_page: number of documents to return per page. API only supports 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50. Default is 10.
  • tags: filter documents with given tags. Tags are an array of strings, name and value in a name/value tag should be separated by colon (:). Ex. ["single_tag","tag_key:tag_value"] would filter documents with 'single_tag' and the name/value of 'tag_key' with value 'tag_value'.
  • search: filter documents with given term.
Template Details
Prepackage and Send template

Most common use of API, clones a template and sends it for signature.

RightSignature::Template.prepackage_and_send(guid, subject, roles)

Optional options:

  • description: document description that'll appear in the email
  • merge_fields: document merge fields, should be an array of merge_field_values in a hash with the merge_field_name. Ex. [=> "$1,000,000"]
  • expires_in: number of days before expiring the document. API only allows 2,5,15, or 30.
  • tags: document tags, an array of string or hashes 'single_tag' (for simple tag) or => 'tag_value' (for tuples pairs) Ex. ['sent_from_api', => "32"]
  • callback_url: A URI encoded URL that specifies the location for API to POST a callback notification to when the document has been created and signed. Ex. "http://yoursite/callback"
Template Prepacking

For cloning a Template before sending it.

Template Prefilling

After prepacking, the new template can be updated with prefill data. This won't send out the template as a document.

RightSignature::Template.prefill(guid, subject, roles)

Optional options:

  • description: document description that'll appear in the email
  • merge_fields: document merge fields, should be an array of merge_field_values in a hash with the merge_field_name. Ex. [=> "$1,000,000"]
  • expires_in: number of days before expiring the document. API only allows 2,5,15, or 30.
  • tags: document tags, an array of string or hashes 'single_tag' (for simple tag) or => 'tag_value' (for tuples pairs) Ex. ['sent_from_api', => "32"]
  • callback_url: A URI encoded URL that specifies the location for API to POST a callback notification to when the document has been created and signed. Ex. "http://yoursite/callback" options = { :description => "Please read over the handbook and sign it.", :merge_fields => [ { "Department" => "Fun and games" }, { "Salary" => "$1,000,000" } ], :expires_in => 5, :tags => [ {:name => 'sent_from_api'}, {:name => 'user_id', :value => '32'} ], :callback_url => "http://yoursite/callback" } RightSignature::Template.prefill(guid, subject, roles, options)
Template Sending

Send template as a document for signing. Same options as prefill.

RightSignature::Template.send_template(guid, subject, roles)

Optional options:

  • description: document description that'll appear in the email
  • merge_fields: document merge fields, should be an array of merge_field_values in a hash with the merge_field_name. Ex. [=> "$1,000,000"]
  • expires_in: number of days before expiring the document. API only allows 2,5,15, or 30.
  • tags: document tags, an array of string or hashes 'single_tag' (for simple tag) or => 'tag_value' (for tuples pairs) Ex. ['sent_from_api', => "32"]
  • callback_url: A URI encoded URL that specifies the location for API to POST a callback notification to when the document has been created and signed. Ex. "http://yoursite/callback" options = { :description => "Please read over the handbook and sign it.", :merge_fields => [ { "Department" => "Fun and games" }, { "Salary" => "$1,000,000" } ], :expires_in => 5, :tags => [ {:name => 'sent_from_api'}, {:name => 'user_id', :value => '32'} ], :callback_url => "http://yoursite/callback" } RightSignature::Template.send_template(guid, subject, roles, options)

Generate a url that let's someone upload and create a template under OAuth user's account.


You can also add restrictions to what the person can do:

  • callback_location: URI encoded URL that specifies the location we will POST a callback notification to when the template has been created.
  • redirect_location: A URI encoded URL that specifies the location we will redirect the user to, after they have created a template.
  • tags: tags to add to the template. an array of strings (for simple tag) or hashes like => 'tag_value' (for tuples pairs) Ex. ['created_from_api', => "123"]
  • acceptabled_role_names: The user creating the Template will be forced to select one of the values provided. There will be no free-form name entry when adding roles to the Template. An array of strings. Ex. ["Employee", "Employeer"]
  • acceptable_merge_field_names: The user creating the Template will be forced to select one of the values provided. There will be no free-form name entry when adding merge fields to the Template. Ex. ["Location", "Tax ID", "Company Name"] options = { :acceptable_merge_field_names => [ {:name => "Site ID"}, {:name => "Starting City"} ], :acceptabled_role_names => [ {:name => "Http Monster"}, {:name => "Party Monster"} ], :callback_location => "http://example.com/done_signing", :redirect_location => "http://example.com/come_back_here" } RightSignature::Template.generate_build_url(options)

Custom API calls using RightSignature::Connection

In case there are new API paths, RightSignature::Connection allows a specific path to be specified.

Ex. GET https://rightsignature.com/api/documents.xml
RightSignature::Connection.get('/api/documents.xml', {:my => 'params'}, {'custom_header' => 'headerValue'})
Ex. POST https://rightsignature.com/api/documents.xml
request_hash= {
  :document => {
    :subject => "Your Form", 
    'document_data' => {:type => 'url', :value => 'http://localhost:3000/sub.pdf' }
RightSignature::Connection.post('/api/documents.xml', request_hash, {'custom_header' => 'headerValue'})

Development Notes

To load in irb from project root:

$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__); require "rightsignature"; RightSignature::load_configuration(MY_KEYS)


  • Gemify me
  • Have a way for to generate an OAuth Access Token from RightSignature