Class: Ec2EbsSnapshot

RightResource::Base show all
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from RightResource::Base

#attributes, #id

Method Summary

Methods inherited from RightResource::Base

action, #clone, collection_path, connection, connection=, correct_attributes, create, destory, #destory, #dup, element_path, format, format=, headers, index, #initialize, #known_attributes, #loads, logger, logger=, #new?, #reload, resource_id, resource_name, #respond_to?, #respond_to_without_attributes?, #save, #schema, show, status_code, update, #update_attribute, #update_attributes

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RightResource::Base

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class RightResource::Base