Right Hook

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Right Hook is a collection of tools to aid in setting up a web app to handle GitHub repo hooks.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'right_hook'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install right_hook


Your App

Create an application by subclassing RightHook::App:

# app.rb
require 'right_hook/app'

class MyApp < RightHook::App
  # You must supply a secret for each repository and hook.
  # The secret should only be known by GitHub; that's how we know the request is coming from GitHub's servers.
  # (You'll specify that secret when you go through subscription.)
  def secret(owner, repo_name, event_type)
    if owner == 'octocat' && repo_name == 'Spoon-Fork' && event_type == 'pull_request'
      raise 'unrecognized!'

  # Code to execute for GitHub's pull request hook.
  # The secret has already been verified if your code is being called.
  # See app.rb and spec/app/*_spec.rb for signatures and examples of the valid handlers.
  def on_pull_request(owner, repo_name, action, number, pull_request_json)
    message = <<-MSG
      GitHub user #{pull_request_json['user']['login']} has opened pull request ##{number}
      on repository #{owner}/#{repo_name}!
    send_text_message(MY_PHONE_NUMBER, message) # or whatever you want

You'll need to host your app online and hold on to the base URL so you can subscribe to hooks.

GitHub Authentication

To create hooks on GitHub repositories, you need to be authenticated as a collaborator on that repository. GitHub's UI currently only supports configuring push hooks, so you'll want to authenticate through Right Hook to set up custom hooks.

Right Hook never stores your password. He always uses OAuth tokens. The only time he asks for your password is when he is creating a new token or listing existing tokens.

Right Hook doesn't store your tokens, either. It's your duty to manage storage of tokens.

Here's one way you can generate and list tokens:

require 'right_hook/authenticator'

puts "Please enter your username:"
username = $stdin.gets

# Prompt the user for their password, without displaying it in the terminal
authenticator = RightHook::Client.interactive_build(username)

# Note for the token (this will be displayed in the user's settings on GitHub)
note = "Created in my awesome script"

authenticator.authorizations.each do |token|
  puts "Token: #{auth.token}\nNote: #{auth.note}\n\n"

Subscribing to Hooks

Right Hook provides a way to subscribe to hooks. It's easy!

require 'right_hook/subscriber'

default_opts = {
  base_url: "http://right-hook.example.com",
  oauth_token: ENV['RIGHT_HOOK_TOKEN']

subscriber = RightHook::Subscriber.new(default_opts)

  owner: 'octocat',
  repo_name: 'Hello-World',
  event_type: 'pull_request',
  secret: 'secret_for_hello_world'

(For more details, consult the RDoc documentation.)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request