RhoGallery API

Getting Started

This is a ruby interface to connect with the rhohub rhogallery api.

$ gem install rhogallery

require 'rhogallery'

RhoGallery Credentials

First of all you need to set your RhoGallery credentials (username and rhogallery token):

RhoGallery.credentials = {:username => YOUR_RHOHUB_USERNAME, :token => YOUR_RHOHUB_TOKEN}

Also, you can see your credentials any time with:

=> {:username => YOUR_RHOHUB_USERNAME, :token => YOUR_RHOHUB_TOKEN}

RhoGallery Resources

Then you have two classes that you can work with: RhoGallery::Consumer and RhoGallery::Group

RhoGallery # Rhogallery main module


  create(data, options)     # create a new consumer/group
  update(data, options)     # use this method to update data
  delete(data, options)     # to delete a consumer/group
  • data: consumer or group data, for example: name, cell, login, email. By default takes the data hash takes the attributes added when is creating the instance ( RhoGallery::Group.new( {:name => "some group name" }) ).

  • options: credentials options, you can use a diferent credential in any time.

Get Consumers and Groups

You can get all your consumers and groups like this:

=> [{"name":"John Doe","devices":["ios","android","blackberry"],"deactivated_id":null,
        "email":"[email protected]","active":true}]

=> [{"name":"rhomobile","created_at":"2011-01-14T15:37:42Z","updated_at":"2011-01-14T15:37:42Z",

or if you want to find a consumer/group by id you can do this:

=> {"name":"John Doe","devices":["ios","android","blackberry"],"deactivated_id":null,
        "email":"[email protected]","active":true}

=> {"name":"rhomobile","created_at":"2011-01-14T15:37:42Z","updated_at":"2011-01-14T15:37:42Z",

Create new consumer/group

You can create new groups and consumers with your own attributes and then save it as a new consumer/group. (returns true or false).

consumer = RhoGallery::Consumer.new({
    :login => "some_login", :name => "some name", :cell => "+55555", :email => "[email protected]"
=> #<RhoGallery::Consumer:0x1018881a8 @attributes={:login => "some_login", :name => "some name", :cell => "+55555", :email => "[email protected]"}>

=> true

group = RhoGallery::Group.new({:name => "new_group_name"})
=> #<RhoGallery::Group:0x1018881b6 @attributes={:name=>"new_group_name"}>

=> true

or send the data directly when create method is called

consumer = RhoGallery::Consumer.new
=> #<RhoGallery::Consumer:0x1018881a8 @attributes={:cell=>"+55555", :email=>"[email protected]", 
        :login=>"some_login",:tags=>"", :password=>"", :name=>"hello", :id=>"4e60ffd4bdd0c8048c000001"}>

    :login => "some_login", :name => "some name", :cell => "+55555", :email => "[email protected]"
=> true

Update Method

Also you can update your consumers and groups fields with the update

consumer = RhoGallery::Consumer.find("4e60ffd4bdd0c8048c000001")
=> #<RhoGallery::Consumer:0x1018881a8 @attributes={:cell=>"some_cell_phone", :invited=>false, :email=>"[email protected]", 
        :login=>"some_login",:tags=>"", :password=>"", :name=>"hello", :id=>"4e60ffd4bdd0c8048c000001"}>

consumer.update({:login => "new_login", :cell => "new cell phone"})
=> #<RhoGallery::Consumer:0x1018881a8 @attributes={:cell=>"new cell phone", :invited=>false, :email=>"[email protected]", 
        :login=>"new_login",:tags=>"", :password=>"", :name=>"hello", :id=>"4e60ffd4bdd0c8048c000001"}>

Delete a Consumer or Group

and you can delete it too :)

consumer = RhoGallery::Consumer.find("4e60ffd4bdd0c8048c000001")
=> #<RhoGallery::Consumer:0x1018881a8 @attributes={:cell=>"new cell phone", :invited=>false, :email=>"[email protected]", 
        :login=>"new_login",:tags=>"", :password=>"", :name=>"hello", :id=>"4e60ffd4bdd0c8048c000001"}>

=> true

See Errors

You can see the errors when the create and update methods return false, using the errors method. For example:

group = RhoGallery::Group.new
=> #<RhoGallery::Group:0x1018881c7 @attributes={:name => ""}>
=> false

=> "Name can't be blank"


Created and maintained by Luis Manotas, Mario Tatis and Lars Burgess.

Released under the MIT License.