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RgGen is a code generation tool for SoC designers. It will automatically generate source code for control registers in a SoC design, e.g. RTL, UVM RAL model, from its register map document. Also RgGen is customizable so you can build your specific generate tool.


RgGen is written in the Ruby programing language and supports version 2.0 or later. If you don't have above version of Ruby, you need to install the Ruby at first. To install the Ruby, see this page.


To install RgGen and required libraries, use the following command:

$ gem install rggen

RgGen will be installed under your system root.

If you want to install them on other location, you need to specify the install directory and set the GEM_PATH environment variable like below:

$ gem install --install-dir YOUR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY rggen


Writing Configuration File

A configuration file is to describe attributes of your design, e.g. data bus width, address bus width, host interface protocol. RgGen supports YAML and JSON for its file format and allows to use Hash notation to describe attributes of your design like below.

  • YAML ~~~YAML address_width: 16 data_width: 32 host_if: apb ~~~
  • JSON ~~~JSON { "address_width": 16, "data_width": 32, "host_if": "apb" } ~~~

These attributes have default values. If you use a default value, you don't specify its value. In addition, if you use default values for all of attributes, you don't need to write a configuration file.

Writing Register Map Document

RgGen allows to use a spreadsheet to input the register map of your design so you can directly input your register map document to RgGen. To do this, you need to write your register map document according to below table format.

1 Block Name block_0
2 Byte Size 256
4 Offset Address Register Name Array Dimension Shadow Index External Bit Assignment Field Name Type Iitial Value
5 0x00 register_0 [31:16] field_0_0 rw 0
6 [15:0] field_0_1 rw 0
7 0x04 register_1 [16] field_1_0 rw 0
8 [0] field_1_1 ro
9 0x10 - 0x1F register_2 [4] [7:0] field_2_0 rw 0
10 0x20 - 0x3F register_3 true
11 0x40 register_4 [2, 4] field_1_0:1, field_0_0, field_0_1 [7:0] field_4_0 rw 0

By default, RgGen supports CSV, ODS, XLS and XLSX sparedsheet file types.

Generating Source Code

To generate soruce code from your register map document, use the following command:

$ rggen your_register_map.xls

If you have a configuration file, you need to use -c/--configuration option:

$ rggen -c your_configuration.yml your_register_map.xls

By default, RgGen will generate RTL SV code under rtl directory and UVM RAL model under ral dicrectory. In addition, file name of generated files is accoding to below rule.

  • RTL
  • RAL model

Compiling Your Design

RgGen has base RTL modules and RAL model package (the base library) to build generated RTL and UVM RAL models. Therefore, to compile your design with the base library, you need followins steps:

  1. Set the RGGEN_HOME environment variable
  2. Link the base library with you design

RGGEN_HOME environement variable is to show the install direcoty. To set the variable, you can use --show-home option like below:

$ export RGGEN_HOME=`rggen --show-home`

To link the base library with your design, RgGen has file lists for the base library. By using the lists, you can compile your design and the base library like below:

$ simulator \
  -f $RGGEN_HOME/rtl/compile.f \
  -f $RGGEN_HOME/ral/compile.f \
  rtl/ \
  ral/ \ \


Contents of configuration file and register map document and structure of genrerated RTL and RAL model described above are default. Also you can change these by customizing RgGen.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


If you have any questions, problems, ideas or somethings, you can post them on the following ways:

  1. Issue tracker
  2. Chat room
  3. Mail


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Copyright © 2015-2016 Taichi Ishitani. RgGen is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.