RGBCell represents a color as the coordinates in the x-y-z coordinate system. Each of the three component color elements, red, green, and blue, have a float value from 0 to 256.

Creating an object without any params creates black:

1.  require 'rgbcell'
2.  color = RGBCell.new
3.  color.to_s    #=> #000000
4.  color.red     #=> 0.0
5.  color.green   #=> 0.0
6.  color.blue    #=> 0.0

Line 1 loads the RGBCell module. Line 2 create an RGBCell object. Because there are no parameters given, the object represents black. Line 3 show the stringification of the color such as might be used in CSS. Lines 4-6 show the numeric values of the three component colors, which are stored as floats.

There are several ways to indicate the color in RGBCell::new. One way is to give its three components as numeric values.

color = RGBCell.new(127, 255, 0)
color.to_s    #=> #7fff00

You can indicate the color using hex format:

color = RGBCell.new('#7fff00')
color.to_s    #=> #7fff00
color.red     #=> 127.0
color.green   #=> 255.0
color.blue    #=> 0.0

You can give one of the HTML named colors:

color = RGBCell.new('purple')
color.to_s    #=> #800080
color.red     #=> 128.0
color.green   #=> 0.0
color.blue    #=> 128.0

Finally, you can use 'random' to get a random color:

color = RGBCell.new('random')
color.to_s    #=> #dbd25b
color.red     #=> 219.0
color.green   #=> 210.0
color.blue    #=> 91.0

You can also set each component color individually. Notice in this example that a component integer value is converted to float.

color = RGBCell.new()
color.red = 60       #=> 60.0
color.green = 230    #=> 210.0
color.blue = 91.005  #=> 91.0005
color.to_s           #=> #3ce65b


Because every color is a set of coordinates, the difference between two colors can be expressed as a distance. The distance is always zero or a positive number. For example, the following example gives the distance between red and chartreuse.

red = RGBCell.new('red')
chartreuse = RGBCell.new('chartreuse')
red.distance(chartreuse)  #=> 285.3226244096321

The same thing can be expressed with the minus operator.

puts red - chartreuse  #=> 285.3226244096321

The second color does not have to be an RGBCell object; it only needs to be an expression that can be used to create an RGBCell object.

puts red - 'green'  #=> 360.62445840513925


Two or more colors can be averaged by calculating the midpoint of their coordinates using the average method. The result of the average is itself an RGBCell object.

red = RGBCell.new('red')
tomato = RGBCell.new('tomato')
avg = red.average(tomato)
puts avg.class  #=> RGBCell
puts avg.to_s   #=> #ff3100

You can pass in more than one color for averaging. You can use RGBCell objects or any object that can be used to create an RGBCell object.

tomato = RGBCell.new('tomato')
puts tomato.average('orange', 'olive') #=> #d48200

If you prefer not to create any colors at all, you can use the class method.

puts RGBCell.average('tomato', 'orange', 'olive') #=> #d48200


gem install rgbcube


Mike O'Sullivan [email protected]


version date notes
0.5 June 25, 2020 Initial upload.