
rfetion is a ruby gem for China Mobile fetion service that you can send SMS free.


see http://fetion.heroku.com


gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org
gem install rfetion


send sms to yourself

Fetion.send_sms_to_self(mobile_no, password, content)

send sms to friends

Fetion.send_sms_to_friends(mobile_no, password, friends_mobile_or_fetion_number, content)

add friend

Fetion.add_buddy(mobile_no, password, friend_mobile)

Shell command

you can use it in shell command directly

Usage: rfetion [options]
    Example: rfetion -m mobile -p password -f friends_mobile_or_fetion_number -c sms_content

             rfetion -m mobile -p password -a friend_mobile

    -m, --mobile MOBILE              Fetion mobile number
    -p, --password PASSWORD          Fetion password
    -c, --content CONTENT            Fetion message content
    -f, --friends MOBILE,FETION      (optional) Fetion friends mobile number or fetion number, if no friends mobile number and fetion number, send message to yourself
    -a, --add_buddy MOBILE           Add friend mobile as fetion friend
different mode:
        --debug                      debug mode
        --silence                    silence mode
Common options:
    -h, --help                       Show this message

Copyright © 2009 Richard Huang ([email protected]), released under the MIT license