RF Stylez 😎

This is a place for style configurations for Rainforest QA code.


  • Make sure your changes are merged into master and…
  • that VERSION in lib/rf/stylez/version.rb file is updated
  • pull latest master
  • run rake release:source_control_push
  • CI/CD will take care of releasing rf-stylez to rubygems
  • Update circlemator bundle update rf-stylez

Adding rf-stylez to a new project

For Ruby projects

Create a .rubocop.yml in the root project directory and paste the following: yml inherit_gem: rf-stylez: ruby/rubocop.yml

For Rails projects

Create a .rubocop.yml in the root project directory and paste the following: yml inherit_gem: rf-stylez: - ruby/rubocop.yml - rails/rubocop.yml

To use it you’ll need to install rf-stylez locally: bash gem install rf-stylez

To check if you version is the latest on (for example in a git hook) bash rf-stylez check-latest