Module: RexPath

Defined in:



01-Feb-2019: bug fix: new line characters are no longer stripped

         between XSL elements
bug fix: An attribute variable value is now returned correctly

19-Jan-2018: feature: Implemented Rexslt#to_xml which returns pretty XML 16-Sep-2017: improvement: all predicates in an xsl:choose

condition now must be true

15-Sep-2017: feature: Implemented xsl_call_template 21-May-2016: bug fix: An update to the Rexle gem regarding the new

Rexle::Element::Attribute datatype caused the sort_by code 
to break. This has now been rectified.

04-May-2016: bug fix: disabled the method which strips out all new

line spaces, and replaced it with a statement in the 
read_raw_text() method which strips out space before and 
after the text

03-May-2016: A returned HTML document will no longer include an

XML declaration by default

30-Apr-2016: bug fix: This class can now be executed within an

eval statement which runs within another class

24-Apr-2016: The position() function is now supported within an

xsl:value-of select attribute
An xsl:attribute value can now be rendered using 
an xsl:text element