Rewrite Tester

Gem Version Code Climate Dependency Status

This tool provides Rspec integration tests to test your server's url rewriting capabilities given a set of Apache RewriteRules.

Tool under development


  • From the sources

    • Clone the repository and use the default rake task to run the tests. You will need to give the absolute path of a file containing a list of RewriteRules through a RULES env variable. Additionally you will need to provide a HTTP_HOST env variable, containing the host that you are testing against.
    $ RULES=/path/to//my/rules rake try:redirects
  • From your project

    • Include the gem in your Gemfile
    gem 'rewrite-tester'
    • Use the test:redirects rake task by giving a absolute file path to the RULES env variable.
    $ RULES=/path/to//my/rules rake try:redirects

Build status

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