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Adding revoke to your application provides you with an ability to prevent create, update and delete of an entity based on some event.


Your blog application has comments on articles which you want to be updated only within 10 minutes of creation. Here, Revoke gem comes handy to handle this scenario with ease.


Revoke currently supports Rails 5.2.0 and Ruby >= 2.4.1.


Add following line to Gemfile and bundle

 gem 'revoke'


gem install revoke

How to Use ?

Revoke gem provides two forms of revoke class method which can be called in model to prevent create, update or delete based on condition. You can revoke 3 actions:

Event Revoke


# Revoke update of object after 10 minutes of its creation.
 revoke :update, :after, 10.minutes, :creation

 # Revoke destroy of object after 10.minutes of its updation.
 revoke :destroy, :after, 10.minutes, :updation


# Revoke destroy of object after 10 minutes of its creation.
 revoke :destroy, :after, 10.minutes, :creation

Default error message: '{class_name} can only be {destroyed|updated} for {time_duration} after #{creation|updation}.

Conditional Revoke

revoke :update, if: :some_method?
revoke :create, if: :some_method?
revoke :destroy, if: :some_method?

Default error message: "Operation not allowed."

Customizing Error Messages

These error message can be overridden with message option passed alongwith revoke method.

 revoke :destroy, :after, 10.minutes, :creation, message: 'Cannot destroy.'
 revoke :update, if: :some_condition?, message: 'Update not allowed.'
 revoke :destroy, if: :some_condition?, message: 'Destroy not allowed.'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, update the rspec and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.