layout: page

title: "Reverse Theme"


The theme credits that appear at the bottom of each page can be turned off by including the following line in your site's _config.yml file:

hide_credits: true

The theme uses a custom DuckDuckGo Search Form that can be turned off by including the following line in your site's _config.yml file:

hide_search: true


The theme includes a version of EB Garamond, designed by Georg Duffner and Octavio Pardo. It's the closest alternative I could come up with that included an open license to include with the theme.

A copy of the license has been included in the assets folder and must be included with any distributions of this theme that include the EB Garamond font files.


The code for this theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

The font, EB Garamond, is Copyright 2017 The EB Garamond Project Authors and licensed under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1.

Graphics are released to the public domain.