Transforms HTML into asciidoctor.


  1. Nokogiri

  2. Ruby 1.9.3 or higher


Install the gem

[sudo] gem install reverse_asciidoctor

or add it to your Gemfile

gem 'reverse_asciidoctor'


As a port of reverse_markdown, reverse_asciidoctor shares its features:

  • Module based - if you miss a tag, just add it

  • Can deal with nested lists

  • Inline and block code is supported

  • Supports blockquote

It supports the following html tags supported by reverse_markdown:

  • a

  • blockquote

  • br

  • code, tt (added: kbd, samp, var)

  • div, article

  • em, i (added: cite)

  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr

  • img

  • li, ol, ul (added: dir)

  • p, pre

  • strong, b

  • table, td, th, tr

NOTE: * reverse_asciidoctor does not support del or strike, because Asciidoctor out of the box does not * As with reverse_markdown, pre is only treated as sourcecode if it is contained in a div@class = highlight- element, or has a @brush attribute naming the language (Confluence). * The gem does not support p@align, because Asciidoctor doesn’t

In addition, it supports:

  • aside

  • audio, video (with @src attributes)

  • figure, figcaption

  • mark

  • q

  • sub, sup

  • @id anchors

  • blockquote@cite

  • img/@width, img/@height

  • ol/@style, ol/@start, ol/@reversed, ul/@type

  • td/@colspan, td/@rowspan, td@/align, td@/valign

  • table/caption, table/@width, table/@frame (partial), table/@rules (partial)

  • Lists and paragraphs within cells

    • Not tables within cells: Asciidoctor cannot deal with nested tabls

It also supports MathML…​ sort of.

  • Asciidoctor supports AsciiMath and LaTeX for stem expressions. HTML uses MathML. The gem will recognise MathML expressions in HTML, and will wrap them in Asciidoctor \$ \$ macros. The result of this gem is not actually legal Asciidoctor for stem: Asciidoctor will presumably think this is AsciiMath in the \$ \$ macro, try to pass it into MathJax as AsciiMath, and fail. But of course, MathJax has no problem with MathML, and some postprocessing on the Asciidoctor output can ensure that the MathML is treated by MathJax (or whatever else uses the output) as such; so this is still much better than nothing for stem processing.

  • An alternative would be to attempt to map MathML to either LaTeX or AsciiMath.

The gem does not support:

  • col, colgroup

  • source, picture

  • bdi, bdo, ruby, rt, rp, wbr

  • frame, frameset, iframe, noframes, noscript, script, input, output, progress

  • map, canvas, dialog, embed, object, param, svg, track

  • fieldset, button, datalist, form, label, legend, menu, menulist, optgroup, option, select, textarea

  • big, dfn, font, s, small, span, strike, u

  • center

  • data, meter

  • del, ins

  • footer, header, main, nav, details, section, summary, template



You can convert html content as string or Nokogiri document:

input  = '<strong>feelings</strong>'
result = ReverseAsciidoctor.convert input
result.inspect # " *feelings* "


It’s also possible to convert html files to markdown using the binary:

$ bin/reverse_asciidoctor file.html > file.adoc
$ cat file.html | bin/reverse_asciidoctor > file.adoc

In addition, the bin/w2m script ( adapted from Ben Balter’s word-to-markdown) script extracts HTML from Word docx documents, and converts it to Asciidoc.

$ bundle exec bin/w2m document.docx > document.adoc

The script presumes that LibreOffice has already been installed: it uses LibreOffice’s export to XHTML. LibreOffice’s export of XHTML is superior to the native Microsoft Word export to HTML: it exports lists (which Word keeps as paragraphs), and it exports OOMML into MathML. On the other hand, the LibreOffice export relies on


The following options are available:

  • unknown_tags (default pass_through) - how to handle unknown tags. Valid options are:

    • pass_through - Include the unknown tag completely into the result

    • drop - Drop the unknown tag and its content

    • bypass - Ignore the unknown tag but try to convert its content

    • raise - Raise an error to let you know

  • tag_border (default ' ') - how to handle tag borders. valid options are:

    • ' ' - Add whitespace if there is none at tag borders.

    • '' - Do not not add whitespace.

As options

Just pass your chosen configuration options in after the input. The given options will last for this operation only.

ReverseAsciidoctor.convert(input, unknown_tags: :raise)


Or configure it block style on a initializer level. These configurations will last for all conversions until they are set to something different.

ReverseAsciidoctor.config do |config|
  config.unknown_tags     = :bypass
  config.github_flavored  = true
  config.tag_border  = ''