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Reverb provides a generic interface for responding to API requests.


$ bundle install

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$ bundle exec rake


Simply inherit from Reverb::Response:

class MyResponse < Reverb::Response
  def on_success
    # Process data here. =['requested-data'])

Responses expect to be passed a response object, but do not require them so that they can be generated with FactoryGirl.

The success method is provided purely for the purposes of factory generation and should not be used for any other use.

The only methods that are considered part of the public API are:

  • success?
  • status
  • data
  • on_success
  • scrub
  • scrubbed

on_success only gets called if success? is true.

We recommend that the data set in on_success is a ruby object (or array of ruby objects) with specific attributes for that request.

See brainzz for an example.


Reverb includes FactoryGirl factories for your convenience. Include them after requiring FactoryGirl:

require 'reverb/factories'

Sensitive Data

Responses may be scrubbed to remove sensitive data such as credentials. Use response.scrubbed to access the 'scrubbed' version of the response.

By default, Reverb will scrub etags.

To turn this off, set scrub_etags to false in a configuration block:

Reverb.configure do |config|
  config.scrub_etags = false

To turn off scrubbing entirely, set scrub to false a configuration block: This will cause no scrubbing to occur, even if scrub_etags is set to true.

Reverb.configure do |config|
  config.scrub = false

To scrub custom values, simply call scrub with the regex/string to scrub and a replacement string.

response =
response.scrub 'sensitive-string', 'YOU_CANT_SEE_ME'

The code above will replace all occurences of 'sensitive-string' with 'YOU_CANT_SEE_ME'.


This project makes use of branches to manage deployment. Pushing a new commit to the production branch will also build and push this gem to RubyGems.