RetroFlix - Web based retro game downloader & library manager

RetroFlix is a frontend to download and manage legacy & retro applications and launch them using their target emulators.

Currently only one game db and a handfull of systems are supported, but more may be added at some point, depending on interest.

Important: This software should only be used for Legal purposes, inorder to retrieve copies of applications which the user already owns or otherwise has a legitimate license to / rights to use.

Currently the following sites & systems are supported:

  • emuparadise
  • N64
  • SNES
  • NES
  • Sega Genesis / Master System


RetroFlix is built as a Sinatra web service.

To use install Ruby and install the following gems:

$ gem install sinatra rubyzip curb nokogiri thin

If the previous produces any errors, check the gem documentation for the corresponding dependencies (curb requires libcurl-dev which may need to be installed seperately).

If a recent version of Ruby is not available for your system, you may want to try out rbenv.

Launch it with

$ ruby server.rb

And navigate to http://localhost:4567 to download and manage games!

Note: Inorder to play games you will need to download the emulator for the corresponding systems. See the emulators.rb file for the current list of emulators used (may be configured there)
