rest-core Build Status

by Cardinal Blue

Lin Jen-Shin (godfat) had given a talk about rest-core on RubyConf Taiwan 2011. The slide is in English, but the talk is in Mandarin.


Modular Ruby clients interface for REST APIs

There has been an explosion in the number of REST APIs available today. To address the need for a way to access these APIs easily and elegantly, we have developed rest-core, which consists of composable middleware that allows you to build a REST client for any REST API. Or in the case of common APIs such as Facebook, Github, and Twitter, you can simply use the dedicated clients provided by rest-more.


  • Modular interface for REST clients similar to WSGI/Rack for servers.
  • Concurrent requests with synchronous or asynchronous interfaces with fibers or threads are both supported.



  • MRI (official CRuby) 1.9.3, Rubinius 1.9 and JRuby 1.9
  • gem rest-client


  • gem em-http-request (if using eventmachine)
  • gem json or yajl-ruby, or multi_json (if JsonResponse or JsonRequest middlewares are used)


gem install rest-core

Or if you want development version, put this in Gemfile:

gem 'rest-core', :git => 'git://',
                 :submodules => true

If you just want to use Facebook or Twitter clients, please take a look at rest-more which has a lot of clients built with rest-core.

Build Your Own Clients:

You can use RestCore::Builder to build your own dedicated clients. Note that RC is an alias of RestCore

require 'rest-core'
YourClient = RC::Builder.client do
  use RC::DefaultSite , ''
  use RC::JsonResponse, true
  use RC::CommonLogger, method(:puts)
  use RC::Cache       , nil, 3600

Basic Usage:

And use it with per-instance basis (clients could have different configuration, e.g. different cache time or timeout time):

client = => {})
client.get('cardinalblue') # cache miss
client.get('cardinalblue') # cache hit = ''
client.get('cardinalblue') # cache miss
client.get('cardinalblue') # cache hit

Concurrent Requests with Futures:

You can also make concurrent requests easily: (see "Advanced Concurrent HTTP Requests -- Embrace the Future" for detail)

a = [client.get('cardinalblue'), client.get('godfat')]
puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
p{ |r| r['name'] } # here we want the values, so it blocks here
puts "DONE"

Exception Handling for Futures:

Note that since the API call would only block whenever you're looking at the response, it won't raise any exception at the time the API was called. So if you want to block and handle the exception at the time API was called, you would do something like this:

  response = client.get('bad-user').tap{} # .tap{} is the point
rescue => e
  puts "Got an exception: #{e}"

The trick here is forcing the future immediately give you the exact response, so that rest-core could see the response and raise the exception. You can call whatever methods on the future to force this behaviour, but since tap{} is a method from Kernel (which is included in Object), it's always available and would return the original value, so it is the easiest method to be remembered and used.

If you know the response must be a string, then you can also use to_s. Like this:

  response = client.get('bad-user').to_s
rescue => e
  puts "Got an exception: #{e}"

Or you can also do this:

  response = client.get('bad-user')
  response.class # simply force it to load
rescue => e
  puts "Got an exception: #{e}"

The point is simply making a method call to force it load, whatever method should work.

Concurrent Requests with Callbacks:

On the other hand, callback mode also available:

client.get('cardinalblue'){ |v| p v }
puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
client.wait # we block here to wait for the request done
puts "DONE"

Exception Handling for Callbacks:

What about exception handling in callback mode? You know that we cannot raise any exception in the case of using a callback. So rest-core would pass the exception object into your callback. You can handle the exception like this:

client.get('bad-user') do |response|
  if response.kind_of?(Exception)
    puts "Got an exception: #{response}"
puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
client.wait # we block here to wait for the request done
puts "DONE"

More Control with request_full:

You can also use request_full to retrieve everything including response status, response headers, and also other rest-core options. But since using this interface is like using Rack directly, you have to build the env manually. To help you build the env manually, everything has a default, including the path.

client.request_full({})[RC::RESPONSE_BODY] # {"message"=>"Not Found"}
# This would print something like this:
# RestCore: Auto   picked: RestCore::RestClient
# RestCore: Future picked: RestCore::Future::FutureThread
# RestCore: spent 1.135713 Requested GET

client.request_full(RC::REQUEST_PATH => 'cardinalblue')[RC::RESPONSE_STATUS]
client.request_full(RC::REQUEST_PATH => 'cardinalblue')[RC::RESPONSE_HEADERS]
# Headers are normalized with all upper cases and
# dashes are replaced by underscores.

# To make POST (or any other request methods) request:
client.request_full(RC::REQUEST_PATH   => 'cardinalblue',
                    RC::REQUEST_METHOD => :post)[RC::RESPONSE_STATUS] # 404


Runnable example is at: example/simple.rb. Please see rest-more for more complex examples to build clients, and slides from for concepts.

Playing Around:

You can also play around with RC::Universal client, which has installed all reasonable middlewares built-in rest-core. So the above example could also be achieved by:

require 'rest-core'
client =          => '',
                           :json_response => true,
                           :log_method    => method(:puts))

RC::Universal is defined as:

module RestCore
  Universal = Builder.client do
    use Timeout       , 0

    use DefaultSite   , nil
    use DefaultHeaders, {}
    use DefaultQuery  , {}
    use DefaultPayload, {}
    use JsonRequest   , false
    use AuthBasic     , nil, nil

    use FollowRedirect, 10
    use CommonLogger  , method(:puts)
    use Cache         ,  {}, 600 do
      use ErrorHandler, nil
      use ErrorDetectorHttp
      use JsonResponse, false

If you have both rib and rest-more installed, you can also play around with an interactive shell, like this:

rib rest-core

And you will be entering a rib shell, which self is an instance of RC::Universal you can play:

rest-core>> get ''

will print out the response from Github. You can also do this to make calling Github easier:

rest-core>> = ''
rest-core>> self.json_response = true

Then it would do exactly like the original example:

rest-core>> get 'cardinalblue' # you get a nice parsed hash

This is mostly for fun and experimenting, so it's only included in rest-more and rib. Please make sure you have both of them installed before trying this.

List of built-in Middlewares:

  • RC::AuthBasic
  • RC::Bypass
  • RC::Cache
  • RC::CommonLogger
  • RC::DefaultHeaders
  • RC::DefaultPayload
  • RC::DefaultQuery
  • RC::DefaultSite
  • RC::Defaults
  • RC::ErrorDetector
  • RC::ErrorDetectorHttp
  • RC::ErrorHandler
  • RC::FollowRedirect
  • RC::JsonRequest
  • RC::JsonResponse
  • RC::Oauth1Header
  • RC::Oauth2Header
  • RC::Oauth2Query
  • RC::Timeout

Build Your Own Middlewares:

To be added.

Advanced Concurrent HTTP Requests -- Embrace the Future

The Interface

There are a number of different ways to make concurrent requests in rest-core. They could be roughly categorized to two different forms. One is using the well known callbacks, while the other one is using through a technique called future. Basically, it means it would return you a promise, which would eventually become the real value (response here) you were asking for whenever you really want it. Otherwise, the program keeps running until the value is evaluated, and blocks there if the computation (response) hasn't been done yet. If the computation is already done, then it would simply return you the result.

Here's a very simple example for using futures:

require 'rest-core'
YourClient = RC::Builder.client do
  use RC::DefaultSite , ''
  use RC::JsonResponse, true
  use RC::CommonLogger, method(:puts)

client =
puts "rest-client with threads doing concurrent requests"
a = [client.get('cardinalblue'), client.get('godfat')]
puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
p{ |r| r['name'] } # here we want the values, so it blocks here
puts "DONE"

And here's a corresponded version for using callbacks:

require 'rest-core'
YourClient = RC::Builder.client do
  use RC::DefaultSite , ''
  use RC::JsonResponse, true
  use RC::CommonLogger, method(:puts)

client =
puts "rest-client with threads doing concurrent requests"
client.get('cardinalblue'){ |v|
         p v['name']
       get('godfat'){ |v|
         p v['name']
puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"
client.wait # until all requests are done
puts "DONE"

You can pick whatever works for you.

What Concurrency Model to Choose?

In the above example, we're using rest-client with threads, which works for most of cases. But you might also want to use em-http-request with EventMachine, which is using a faster HTTP parser. In theory, it should be much more efficient than rest-client and threads.

To pick em-http-request, you must run the requests inside the EventMachine's event loop, and also wrap your request with either a thread or a fiber, because we can't block the event loop and ask em-http-request to finish its job making requests.

Here's an example of using em-http-request with threads:

require 'em-http-request'
require 'rest-core'
YourClient = RC::Builder.client do
  use RC::DefaultSite , ''
  use RC::JsonResponse, true
  use RC::CommonLogger, method(:puts)

client =
puts "eventmachine with threads doing concurrent requests"{{
    a = [client.get('cardinalblue'), client.get('godfat')]
    p{ |r| r['name'] } # here we want the values, so it blocks here
    puts "DONE"
  puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"

And here's an example of using em-http-request with fibers:

require 'fiber'           # remember to require fiber first,
require 'em-http-request' # or rest-core won't pick fibers
require 'rest-core'
YourClient = RC::Builder.client do
  use RC::DefaultSite , ''
  use RC::JsonResponse, true
  use RC::CommonLogger, method(:puts)

client =
puts "eventmachine with fibers doing concurrent requests"{{
    a = [client.get('cardinalblue'), client.get('godfat')]
    p{ |r| r['name'] } # here we want the values, so it blocks here
    puts "DONE"
  puts "It's not blocking... but doing concurrent requests underneath"

As you can see, both of them are quite similar to each other, because the idea behind the scene is the same. If you don't know what concurrency model to pick, start with rest-client since it's the easiest one to setup.

A full runnable example is at: example/multi.rb. If you want to know all the possible use cases, you can also see: example/use-cases.rb. It's also served as a test for each possible combinations, so it's quite complex and complete.

rest-core users:

Powered sites:



  • Andrew Liu (@eggegg)
  • andy (@coopsite)
  • Barnabas Debreczeni (@keo)
  • Bruce Chu (@bruchu)
  • Ethan Czahor (@ethanz5)
  • Florent Vaucelle (@florent)
  • Jaime Cham (@jcham)
  • John Fan (@johnfan)
  • Lin Jen-Shin (@godfat)
  • Mariusz Pruszynski (@snicky)
  • Mr. Big Cat (@miaout17)
  • Nicolas Fouché (@nfo)
  • Szu-Kai Hsu (@brucehsu)


Apache License 2.0

Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Cardinal Blue

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.