A resque plugin that allows jobs to execute only if a filter is true, re-queueing otherwise. For example, one can author jobs that are filter-aware so that they can be scheduled with resque-scheduler to run on specific hosts.

Authored against Resque 1.20.0, so it at least works with that - try running the tests if you use a different version of resque

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Install the gem, then define a worker with a filter method. If that method returns true, the job will run, otherwise it will get re-enqueued.

class MyFilteredWorker

  def self.perform(*args)
    puts "I ran"

  def self.filter(*args)
    return `hostname`.chomp == args.first


You can also configure an alternate queue management strategy like so:

Resque::Plugins::Filter::JobFilter.configure do |config|
  # The queue strategy to use when filtering job:
  #   :simple - pops, checks filter, pushes if not runnable
  #   :optimistic - peeks, checks filter, pops if runnable (not distributed client safe)
  config.strategy = :simple


Matt Conway ( https://github.com/wr0ngway )