Resque Dedup

A Resque plugin. Until Datagraph's patched version of Resque is merged, you will need to use the datagraph branch of our Resque repository

If you want only one instance of a particular job to be enqueued at any one time, extend it with this module.

For example:

require 'resque/plugins/dedup'

class DoSomeHeavyLifting
  extend Resque::Plugins::Dedup

  def self.perform(some_id)

Only one instance of this job will be enqueued at any one time. The job is identified by a lock key which is a combination of its name and the arguments supplied to it.

If you want to define this key yourself, you can override the lock class method in your subclass, e.g.

class DoSomeHeavyLifting
  extend Resque::Plugins::Lock

  # Run only one at a time, regardless of some_id.
  def self.lock(some_id)

  def self.perform(some_id)

The above modification will ensure only one job of class DoSomeHeavyLifting is enqueued at a time, regardless of the some_id.