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ResponseMate is a command line tool that helps inspecting and recording HTTP requests/responses from a terminal.

It is designed with APIs in mind.


gem install response_mate



For a list of available commands run response_mate help
For help on a command run response_mate help some_command

Requests Manifest

Most ResponseMate's tasks depend on a manifest file where you declare the requests to be made.
The default filename of this manifest is requests.yml.
You may specify another file using the -r option. This file has to be in YAML format (but keep in mind that JSON is a valid compatible subset of YAML).


  accept: 'application/vnd.{{app_name}}.beta+json'
    key: user_issues
      url: '
    key: user_friends
      url: ''
        since: 'childhood'
        honest: '{{are_my_friends_honest}}'

Expressions inside {{}} will be evaluated as Mustache templates using values from a file named environment.yml.

You may specify a different location for the environment file using the -e option.


response_mate inspect issues_show -e ./response_mate/production_environment.yml

If your requests manifest does not contain Mustache tags you don't need an environment file.

Environment File

In this file (default location: ./environment.yml) you may place variables to be used in the requests manifest. Where applicable you may configure the location of the environment file using the -e option.


response_mate record -e ./github/production_environment.yml

This file has to be in YAML format (but keep in mind that JSON is a valid compatible subset of YAML).

# environment.yml
repo: rails/rails

Then in the requests manifest any values of keys declared in the environment file can be used as follows.

# requests.yml
    key: repos_show
    url: {{base_url}}/repos/{{repo}}


Records the responses of HTTP requests declared in a requests manifest file.

response_mate record

By default responses are stored in the current working directory, but the output directory is configurable using the -o option.

Default Behavior

Without any arguments / options it records all the keys of the requests manifest.

Recording Specific Key(s)

If you wish to record the responses of a subset of the declared requests in the requests manifest, you may use the -k option. You have to provide a space separated list of keys to be recorded.

response_mate record -k key1 key2

Custom Manifest Location

The requests are expected to be declared in a file named requests.yml in the current working directory.

You may have many request files to use for various purposes. To specify the one to be used you may supply the -r option.

response_mate record -r github_api.yml


Performs the request and displays the output without recording

response_mate inspect some_key


Lists recording keys, prompting either to record or to inspect

response_mate list

Same as in the record command you may specify the output directory using the -o option.


Exports either the requests manifest or the environment file to a different format (currently only postman is supported)

response_mate export

Export in pretty json

response_mate export -f postman -p

Custom Manifest Location

response_mate export -f postman -r github_requests.yml

Export the Environment File

response_mate export --resource=environment
response_mate export --resource=environment --upload


Displays the version


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.