Reset CSS

Reset CSS is a compass plugin that provides a lightweight but comprehensive CSS reset stylesheet. Inspired by Eric Meyer's Reset v2.0 and many real-world scenarios I've run into regularly, this gem aims to improve your cross-browser styling enjoyment while staying out of your way.


Reset CSS is distributed as a Ruby Gem. On your computer, simply run:

$ gem install reset-css


Using Compass, Reset CSS can be added to any existing project by editing the project's configuration file, config.rb, and adding this line:

require "reset-css"

You can then apply your reset in any file of your theme:

@import "reset-css";

I recommend that this call be the very first step in your theme structure to ensure it has the lowest CSS weight in your styles (and exists at the top of your stylesheet(s)).


  • Compass 0.10 or later


Available under the GPL v2 license. See LICENSE.txt.